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How can currying be done in C++?

What is currying?

How can currying be done in C++?

Please Explain binders in STL container?

like image 751
yesraaj Avatar asked Sep 30 '08 06:09


People also ask

What is the purpose of currying function?

Currying is helpful when you have to frequently call a function with a fixed argument. Considering, for example, the following function: If we want to define the function error , warn , and info , for every type, we have two options. Currying provides a shorter, concise, and more readable solution.

What is currying in programming?

Currying is a process in functional programming in which we can transform a function with multiple arguments into a sequence of nesting functions. It returns a new function that expects the next argument inline.

What is currying in C++?

Currying simply means a transformation of a function of several arguments to a function of a single argument. This is most easily illustrated using an example: Take a function f that accepts three arguments: int f(int a,std::string b,float c) { // do something with a, b, and c return 0; }

Why do we use currying in Javascript?

Currying is a checking method to make sure that you get everything you need before you proceed. It helps you to avoid passing the same variable again and again. It divides your function into multiple smaller functions that can handle one responsibility.

2 Answers

1. What is currying?

Currying simply means a transformation of a function of several arguments to a function of a single argument. This is most easily illustrated using an example:

Take a function f that accepts three arguments:

int f(int a,std::string b,float c) {     // do something with a, b, and c     return 0; } 

If we want to call f, we have to provide all of its arguments f(1,"some string",19.7f).

Then a curried version of f, let's call it curried_f=curry(f) only expects a single argument, that corresponds to the first argument of f, namely the argument a. Additionally, f(1,"some string",19.7f) can also be written using the curried version as curried_f(1)("some string")(19.7f). The return value of curried_f(1) on the other hand is just another function, that handles the next argument of f. In the end, we end up with a function or callable curried_f that fulfills the following equality:

curried_f(first_arg)(second_arg)...(last_arg) == f(first_arg,second_arg,...,last_arg). 

2. How can currying be achieved in C++?

The following is a little bit more complicated, but works very well for me (using c++11)... It also allows currying of arbitrary degree like so: auto curried=curry(f)(arg1)(arg2)(arg3) and later auto result=curried(arg4)(arg5). Here it goes:

#include <functional>  namespace _dtl {      template <typename FUNCTION> struct     _curry;      // specialization for functions with a single argument     template <typename R,typename T> struct     _curry<std::function<R(T)>> {         using         type = std::function<R(T)>;                  const type         result;                  _curry(type fun) : result(fun) {}              };      // recursive specialization for functions with more arguments     template <typename R,typename T,typename...Ts> struct     _curry<std::function<R(T,Ts...)>> {         using         remaining_type = typename _curry<std::function<R(Ts...)> >::type;                  using         type = std::function<remaining_type(T)>;                  const type         result;                  _curry(std::function<R(T,Ts...)> fun)         : result (             [=](const T& t) {                 return _curry<std::function<R(Ts...)>>(                     [=](const Ts&...ts){                          return fun(t, ts...);                      }                 ).result;             }         ) {}     }; }  template <typename R,typename...Ts> auto curry(const std::function<R(Ts...)> fun) -> typename _dtl::_curry<std::function<R(Ts...)>>::type {     return _dtl::_curry<std::function<R(Ts...)>>(fun).result; }  template <typename R,typename...Ts> auto curry(R(* const fun)(Ts...)) -> typename _dtl::_curry<std::function<R(Ts...)>>::type {     return _dtl::_curry<std::function<R(Ts...)>>(fun).result; }  #include <iostream>  void  f(std::string a,std::string b,std::string c) {     std::cout << a << b << c; }  int  main() {     curry(f)("Hello ")("functional ")("world!");     return 0; } 

View output

OK, as Samer commented, I should add some explanations as to how this works. The actual implementation is done in the _dtl::_curry, while the template functions curry are only convenience wrappers. The implementation is recursive over the arguments of the std::function template argument FUNCTION.

For a function with only a single argument, the result is identical to the original function.

        _curry(std::function<R(T,Ts...)> fun)         : result (             [=](const T& t) {                 return _curry<std::function<R(Ts...)>>(                     [=](const Ts&...ts){                          return fun(t, ts...);                      }                 ).result;             }         ) {} 

Here the tricky thing: For a function with more arguments, we return a lambda whose argument is bound to the first argument to the call to fun. Finally, the remaining currying for the remaining N-1 arguments is delegated to the implementation of _curry<Ts...> with one less template argument.

Update for c++14 / 17:

A new idea to approach the problem of currying just came to me... With the introduction of if constexpr into c++17 (and with the help of void_t to determine if a function is fully curried), things seem to get a lot easier:

template< class, class = std::void_t<> > struct  needs_unapply : std::true_type { };   template< class T > struct  needs_unapply<T, std::void_t<decltype(std::declval<T>()())>> : std::false_type { };  template <typename F> auto curry(F&& f) {   /// Check if f() is a valid function call. If not we need    /// to curry at least one argument:   if constexpr (needs_unapply<decltype(f)>::value) {        return [=](auto&& x) {             return curry(                 [=](auto&&...xs) -> decltype(f(x,xs...)) {                     return f(x,xs...);                 }             );         };       }   else {       /// If 'f()' is a valid call, just call it, we are done.     return f();   } }  int  main() {   auto f = [](auto a, auto b, auto c, auto d) {     return a  * b * c * d;   };      return curry(f)(1)(2)(3)(4); } 

See code in action on here. With a similar approach, here is how to curry functions with arbitrary number of arguments.

The same idea seems to work out also in C++14, if we exchange the constexpr if with a template selection depending on the test needs_unapply<decltype(f)>::value:

template <typename F> auto curry(F&& f);  template <bool> struct curry_on;  template <> struct curry_on<false> {     template <typename F> static auto     apply(F&& f) {         return f();     } };  template <> struct curry_on<true> {     template <typename F> static auto      apply(F&& f) {         return [=](auto&& x) {             return curry(                 [=](auto&&...xs) -> decltype(f(x,xs...)) {                     return f(x,xs...);                 }             );         };     } };  template <typename F> auto curry(F&& f) {     return curry_on<needs_unapply<decltype(f)>::value>::template apply(f); } 
like image 130
Julian Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 16:10


In short, currying takes a function f(x, y) and given a fixed Y, gives a new function g(x) where

g(x) == f(x, Y) 

This new function may be called in situations where only one argument is supplied, and passes the call on to the original f function with the fixed Y argument.

The binders in the STL allow you to do this for C++ functions. For example:

#include <functional> #include <iostream> #include <vector>  using namespace std;  // declare a binary function object class adder: public binary_function<int, int, int> { public:     int operator()(int x, int y) const     {         return x + y;     } };  int main() {     // initialise some sample data     vector<int> a, b;     a.push_back(1);     a.push_back(2);     a.push_back(3);      // here we declare a function object f and try it out     adder f;     cout << "f(2, 3) = " << f(2, 3) << endl;      // transform() expects a function with one argument, so we use     // bind2nd to make a new function based on f, that takes one     // argument and adds 5 to it     transform(a.begin(), a.end(), back_inserter(b), bind2nd(f, 5));      // output b to see what we got     cout << "b = [" << endl;     for (vector<int>::iterator i = b.begin(); i != b.end(); ++i) {         cout << "  " << *i << endl;     }     cout << "]" << endl;      return 0; } 
like image 42
Greg Hewgill Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 16:10

Greg Hewgill