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createApp({}).mount('#app') clears #app's child elements in vue3




So I'm trying to add Vue3 to an existing asp.net core project. What I'd like to happen is for my razor app to render as normal, then use custom vue components to give my frontend a more reactive feel. However, when I mount an empty vue app to my wrapper div (parent of all other body content), it seems to be deleting all innerHTML of that wrapper div, completely removing all server rendered body content.

In my _Layout.cshtml file, I'm wrapping all content in a div with id 'app'.

  <div id='app'>

  <script src="~/js/vue-app/dist/js/chunk-vendors.76316534.js"></script>
  <script src="~/js/vue-app/dist/js/app.bf4c5ba9.js"></script>

in main.js

import { createApp } from 'vue'

const vueApp = createApp({}).mount('#app');

// component definitions below

With the app set up like this, when I run my .net project I see a blank white browser window instead of the razor compiled html that I expect. In Vue2, it was possible to do this:

const vueApp = new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  data: {
  methods: {
  }//, etc

Which would result in the app being rendered as normalthe vue app bound to #app, making vue available to the child content (model binding, vue click handling, etc).

I've tried playing around with the isHydrate optional parameter on mount(), but it causes no change in the result.

Am I missing something here? How do you slowly migrate an existing project to use vue3 if you can't mount the app without clearing content? Any guidance is much appreciated.

Thank you


  • vue-next runtime-dom source If this method is the mount method getting called, I'm not sure why container.innerHTML would not be getting set in the component. {} is not a function, and render/template is not defined for it.
  • vue-next runtime-core apiCreateApp source If this is the method getting called....I have no idea.
like image 691
Nick Avatar asked Sep 28 '20 19:09


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Video Answer

1 Answers


Vue 3, without template renderer, will not be able to handle the templates after it has been compiled. To fix that, you can import vue/dist/vue.esm-browser (and vue.runtime.esm-browser.prod for prod), instead of the default vue. This will allow run-time component rendering.

like image 150
Daniel Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 11:11
