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VueJS: $router.push not working with query parameters

In my NuxtJS(v. 2.10.2) application, I have a URL like below where pid is a post's id.


This URL works fine and loads the post as per the value passed to the pid query parameter. However, user can add new post by clicking Add Post button on the application bar that opens a dialog. Once the user clicks add, a request to back-end server is made to save the request. And once successful, user is redirected to the new post using vue router push like below

.then(data => {
  if (data) {
    this.$router.push({ path: `/post?pid=${data.id}` });

The problem is, user is not redirected to the new post, only the query parameter pid is updated. I suspect VueJS does not acknowledge this as a different URL and hence does nothing.

How to fix this?

Update: As an alternative tried the syntax below but getting the same behavior.

this.$router.push({ path: "post", query: { pid: data.id } });
like image 825
Meena Chaudhary Avatar asked Feb 15 '20 19:02

Meena Chaudhary

People also ask

How do I pass a query parameter in vue?

Setting the query paramsIn the <route-link> component, we can set the query params to a URL using :to prop. If you want to set a query params dynamically to a URL, you can use this. $router. push() method.

How do I access vue router params?

to get the value of the id route parameter with this. $route.params.id with the options API. We call useRoute to return the route object and then we get the value of the id route parameter with route.params.id .

What is hash mode in vue router?

The default mode for vue-router is hash mode - it uses the URL hash to simulate a full URL so that the page won't be reloaded when the URL changes. To get rid of the hash, we can use the router's history mode, which leverages the history.

2 Answers

Say you have a component post.vue which is mapped with /post URL.

Now if you redirect the user to /post?pid=13, the post.vue component won't mount again if it's already mounted ie. when you are already at /post or /post?pid=12.

[1] In this case, you can put a watch on the route to know if the route has been changed.

watch: {
 '$route.path': {
   handler (oldUrl, newUrl) {
     let PID = this.$route.query.pid
     // fetch data for this PID from the server.
     // ...


[2] If the component post.vue is mapped with some route say /post.

You can also use the lifecycle -> beforeRouteUpdate provided by vue-router

beforeRouteUpdate (to, from, next) {
  let PID = to.query.pid
  // fetch data for this PID from the server.
  // ...
like image 142
Shivam Singh Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 07:10

Shivam Singh

By changing the approach component data can be updated as per the new query string value. Here is how it can be done.

Rather than trying to push to the same page again with different query string. The query string pid itself can be watched for change and on update new data can be fetched and the component data can be updated. In NuxtJS(v. 2.10.2) apps, this can be achieved with watchQuery. watchQuery is a NuxtJS property which watches changes to a query strings. And once it detects the change, all component methods(asyncData, fetch, validate..) are called. You can read more https://nuxtjs.org/api/pages-watchquery/

As for the solution, pushing to the same page with new query string remains the same.

.then(data => {
  if (data) {
    this.$router.push({ name: 'post', query: { pid: data.id } });

However, on the page.vue, where the data is fetched from the server. We need to add watchQuery property.

watchQuery: ["pid"],
async asyncData(context) {
  let response = await context.$axios.$get(
  return { postData: response };
data: () => ({
  postData: null

Now, everytime the query string pid will change asyncData will be called. And that is it. An easy fix to updating component data when the query string value change.

like image 41
Meena Chaudhary Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 08:10

Meena Chaudhary