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Create nice column output in python

People also ask

How do you align in Python?

You can use the :> , :< or :^ option in the f-format to left align, right align or center align the text that you want to format. We can use the fortmat() string function in python to output the desired text in the order we want.

How do I print two columns side by side in Python?

You can use the zip() function to join lists together. The zip() function will iterate tuples with the corresponding elements from each of the lists, which you can then format as Michael Butscher suggested in the comments. Finally, just join() them together with newlines and you have the string you want.

Since Python 2.6+, you can use a format string in the following way to set the columns to a minimum of 20 characters and align text to right.

table_data = [
    ['a', 'b', 'c'],
    ['aaaaaaaaaa', 'b', 'c'], 
    ['a', 'bbbbbbbbbb', 'c']
for row in table_data:
    print("{: >20} {: >20} {: >20}".format(*row))


               a                    b                    c
      aaaaaaaaaa                    b                    c
               a           bbbbbbbbbb                    c

data = [['a', 'b', 'c'], ['aaaaaaaaaa', 'b', 'c'], ['a', 'bbbbbbbbbb', 'c']]

col_width = max(len(word) for row in data for word in row) + 2  # padding
for row in data:
    print "".join(word.ljust(col_width) for word in row)

a            b            c            
aaaaaaaaaa   b            c            
a            bbbbbbbbbb   c   

What this does is calculate the longest data entry to determine the column width, then use .ljust() to add the necessary padding when printing out each column.

I came here with the same requirements but @lvc and @Preet's answers seems more inline with what column -t produces in that columns have different widths:

>>> rows =  [   ['a',           'b',            'c',    'd']
...         ,   ['aaaaaaaaaa',  'b',            'c',    'd']
...         ,   ['a',           'bbbbbbbbbb',   'c',    'd']
...         ]

>>> widths = [max(map(len, col)) for col in zip(*rows)]
>>> for row in rows:
...     print "  ".join((val.ljust(width) for val, width in zip(row, widths)))
a           b           c  d
aaaaaaaaaa  b           c  d
a           bbbbbbbbbb  c  d

This is a little late to the party, and a shameless plug for a package I wrote, but you can also check out the Columnar package.

It takes a list of lists of input and a list of headers and outputs a table-formatted string. This snippet creates a docker-esque table:

from columnar import columnar

headers = ['name', 'id', 'host', 'notes']

data = [
    ['busybox', 'c3c37d5d-38d2-409f-8d02-600fd9d51239', 'linuxnode-1-292735', 'Test server.'],
    ['alpine-python', '6bb77855-0fda-45a9-b553-e19e1a795f1e', 'linuxnode-2-249253', 'The one that runs python.'],
    ['redis', 'afb648ba-ac97-4fb2-8953-9a5b5f39663e', 'linuxnode-3-3416918', 'For queues and stuff.'],
    ['app-server', 'b866cd0f-bf80-40c7-84e3-c40891ec68f9', 'linuxnode-4-295918', 'A popular destination.'],
    ['nginx', '76fea0f0-aa53-4911-b7e4-fae28c2e469b', 'linuxnode-5-292735', 'Traffic Cop'],

table = columnar(data, headers, no_borders=True)

Table Displaying No-border Style

Or you can get a little fancier with colors and borders. Table Displaying Spring Classics

To read more about the column-sizing algorithm and see the rest of the API you can check out the link above or see the Columnar GitHub Repo

You have to do this with 2 passes:

  1. get the maximum width of each column.
  2. formatting the columns using our knowledge of max width from the first pass using str.ljust() and str.rjust()