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Create a JSON object to post in Spring Boot tests

I want to write basic test to execute a POST request on a /users URL with JSON payload to create a user. I cannot find how to convert a new object to JSON, and so far have this much, it's obviously wrong but explains the purpose:

@Test public void createUser() throws Exception {
    String userJson = new User("My new User", "myemail@gmail.com").toJson();
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Maciej Szlosarczyk Avatar asked Mar 07 '16 22:03

Maciej Szlosarczyk

1 Answers

You can use jackson object mapper and then user writeValueAsString method.


ObjectMapper objectMapper;

// or ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); this with Spring Boot is useless

    @Test public void createUser() throws Exception {
        User user = new User("My new User", "myemail@gmail.com");

I hope this can help you

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Valerio Vaudi Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 19:09

Valerio Vaudi