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Angular2 cast string to JSON




What is the right syntax to cast a string to JSON in Angular2? I tried:

var someString;
someString.toJSON(); //or someString.toJson();

it says: someString.toJSON is not a function

I'm lost because it was working with Angular1.

If I try to add an attribute directly on my string (which is formatted like a true JSON):

var someString;
someString.att = 'test';

it says: TypeError: Cannot create property 'att' on string '...'

like image 824
F3L1X79 Avatar asked Nov 24 '16 14:11


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2 Answers

Angular2 uses JavaScript functions unlike Angular1.

Angular1 implements its own functions which is a bad thing.

In Angular2 just use pure JavaScript.

var json = JSON.parse(string);
like image 87
danday74 Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 22:10


Try using JSON.parse()

var someString: string = "your JSON String here";
var jsonObject : any = JSON.parse(someString)
like image 31
hzitoun Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 21:10
