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Counts & Percentages in xTable, Sweave, R, cross tabulations

Edit: Building off of aL3xa's answer below, I've modified his syntax below. Not perfect, but getting closer. I still haven't found a way to make xtable accept \multicolumn{} arguments for columns or rows. It also appears that Hmisc handles some of these type of tasks behind the scenes, but it looks like a bit of an undertaking to understand what's going on there. Does anyone have experience with the latex function in Hmisc?

ctab <- function(tab, dec = 2, margin = NULL) {
    tab <- as.table(tab)
    ptab <- paste(round(prop.table(tab, margin = margin) * 100, dec), "%", sep = "")
    res <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(tab) , ncol = ncol(tab) * 2, byrow = TRUE)
    oddc <- 1:ncol(tab) %% 2 == 1
    evenc <- 1:ncol(tab) %% 2 == 0
    res[,oddc ] <- tab
    res[,evenc ] <- ptab
    res <- as.table(res)
    colnames(res) <- rep(colnames(tab), each = 2)
    rownames(res) <- rownames(tab)

I would like to create a table formatted for LaTeX output that contains both the counts and percentages for each column or variable. I have not found a ready made solution to this problem, but feel I must be recreating the wheel to some extent.

I have developed a solution for straight tabulations, but am struggling with adopting something for a cross tabulation.

First some sample data:

#Generate sample data
dow <- sample(1:7, 100, replace=TRUE)
purp <- sample(1:4, 100, replace=TRUE)
dow <- factor(dow, 1:7, c("Mon", "Tues", "Wed", "Thurs", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"))
purp <- factor(purp, 1:4, c("Business", "Commute", "Vacation", "Other"))

And now the working straight tab function:

customTable <- function(var, capt = NULL){
    counts <- table(var)
    percs <- 100 * prop.table(counts)       

                Count = counts
                , Percent = percs
        , caption = capt
        , digits = c(0,0,2)
    , caption.placement="top"

customTable(dow, capt="Day of Week")
customTable(purp, capt="Trip Pupose")

Does anyone have any suggestions for adopting this for cross tabulations (i.e. day of week BY trip purpose)? Here is what I've currently written, which does NOT use the xtable library and ALMOST works, but is not dynamic and is quite ugly to work with:

#Create table and percentages
a <- table(dow, purp)
b <- round(prop.table(a, 1),2)

#Column bind all of the counts & percentages together, this SHOULD become dynamic in future
d <- cbind( cbind(Count = a[,1],Percent =  b[,1])
        , cbind(Count = a[,2], Percent = b[,2])
        , cbind(Count = a[,3], Percent = b[,3])
        , cbind(Count = a[,4], Percent = b[,4])

#Ugly function that needs help, or scrapped for something else
crossTab <- function(title){
    cat("\\caption{", title, "}\n", sep="") 


    cat("", cat("", paste("&\\multicolumn{2}{c}{",colnames(a), "}"), sep = ""), "\\\\\n", sep="")
    c("&", cat("", colnames(d), "\\\\\n", sep=" & "))
    c("&", write.table(d, sep = " & ", eol="\\\\\n", quote=FALSE, col.names=FALSE))


crossTab(title = "Day of week BY Trip Purpose")
like image 247
Chase Avatar asked Aug 09 '10 21:08


People also ask

What does it mean when something counts?

to make something have as useful and positive an effect as possible. You only get one chance, so you have to make it count. Synonyms and related words. To make something possible.

What is a person who counts?

Arithmomania (from Greek arithmós, "number", and maníā, "compulsion") is a mental disorder that may be seen as an expression of obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD). Individuals experiencing this disorder have a strong need to count their actions or objects in their surroundings.

What does it mean on all counts?

guilty on all counts, guilty in every way.

What is the synonym of count?

add (up), tally, total.

1 Answers

In the Tables-package it is one line:

# data:
dow <- sample(1:7, 100, replace=TRUE)
purp <- sample(1:4, 100, replace=TRUE)
dow <- factor(dow, 1:7, c("Mon", "Tues", "Wed", "Thurs", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"))
purp <- factor(purp, 1:4, c("Business", "Commute", "Vacation", "Other"))

dataframe <-  data.frame( dow, purp)

# The packages


# The table
tabular(  (Weekday=dow) ~  (Purpose=purp)*(Percent("row")+ 1)    ,data=dataframe        )

# The latex table
latex(  tabular(  (Weekday=dow) ~  (Purpose=purp)*(Percent("col")+ 1)    ,data=dataframe        ))

Using booktabs, you get this (can be further customised):

enter image description here

like image 175
Rasmus Larsen Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 15:09

Rasmus Larsen