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Count elements with jQuery



People also ask

How do I count the number of elements in jQuery?

To count all HTML elements, we use length property. The length property is used to count number of the elements of the jQuery object. where selector is the object whose length is to be calculated.

How do I count paragraphs in jQuery?

Get the number of paragraphs on click click(function() { $number_paragraphs = $('. content'). find('p'). size(); alert($number_paragraphs); });

What is .each in jQuery?

The each() method in jQuery specifies a function that runs for every matched element. It is one of the widely used traversing methods in JQuery. Using this method, we can iterate over the DOM elements of the jQuery object and can execute a function for every matched element.


You could also use:


which is functionally equivalent, but the former is preferred. In fact, the latter is now deprecated and shouldn't be used in any new development.

var count_elements = $('.class').length;

From: http://api.jquery.com/size/

The .size() method is functionally equivalent to the .length property; however, the .length property is preferred because it does not have the overhead of a function call.

Please see:



I believe this works:


Yes, there is.


try this:

var count_element = $('.element').length