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Check whether a value is a number in JavaScript or jQuery [duplicate]

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How do you check if a value is a number in jQuery?

Answer: Use the jQuery. isNumeric() method You can use the jQuery $. isNumeric() method to check whether a value is numeric or a number. The $. isNumeric() returns true only if the argument is of type number, or if it's of type string and it can be coerced into finite numbers, otherwise it returns false .

How do you check if a value is a number in JavaScript?

In JavaScript, there are two ways to check if a variable is a number : isNaN() – Stands for “is Not a Number”, if variable is not a number, it return true, else return false. typeof – If variable is a number, it will returns a string named “number”.

How can check duplicate value in textbox using jQuery?

count("$. value == '" + $(this). val() + "'") > 1) { // If more than 1 have the same value than highlight this textbox and display an error message $(this). addClass('duplicate'); $('#custom-field-validator').

Is number or not in JavaScript?

isnan() isNaN() method returns true if a value is Not-a-Number. Number. isNaN() returns true if a number is Not-a-Number.

function isNumber(n) {
  return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);

You've an number of options, depending on how you want to play it:


Returns true if val is not a number, false if it is. In your case, this is probably what you need.


Returns true if val, when cast to a String, is a number and it is not equal to +/- Infinity


Returns true if val, when cast to a String, has only digits (probably not what you need).

there is a function called isNaN it return true if it's (Not-a-number) , so u can check for a number this way

   //do some thing if it's a number
   //do some thing if it's NOT a number

hope it works