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Difference between jQTouch and jQuery mobile

People also ask

Is jQuery and jQuery Mobile the same?

jQuery and jQueryUI are both designed to be added to your website if you want to add a particular feature, jQuery or jQueryUI might be able to help. However, jQuery Mobile is a full framework which is built on jQuery and jQuery UI foundation.

Is jQuery Mobile still used?

The team announced that the cross-platform jQuery Mobile project under its umbrella is fully deprecated as of October 7, 2021. New technologies for mobile app development have evolved since this project was launched in 2010, so we're encouraging developers to plan for this jQuery Mobile transition.

What is jQuery Mobile used for?

The framework allows developers to build applications that can be accessed by the widest number of browsers and devices, whether it is Internet Explorer 6 or the newest Android or iPhone. Mobile jQuery also gives developers the ability to render basic content (as built) on basic devices.

jQtouch is optimized for WebKit, jQuery Mobile is looking to support all mobile devices; that is my understanding

some good info here


and here


Additionally to Aaron's answer this is what I've come up with so far:

  • jQuery Mobile is an offical and generally more active jQuery project (alpha 4.1 - April 7, 2011) whereas jQTouch, created in 2009 by David Kaneda, has been relatively quiet until release of beta 3 (May 3, 2011)
  • jQTouch is a jQuery plugin (see "Staying on jQuery" section) while jQuery mobile is presented as a framework
  • jQTouch is focused on small screen device, from their blog :

Apps developed with jQTouch will certainly run fine on iPads and other tablet devices, but we aren’t going to automagically convert to a more tablet-friendly UI that takes advantage of the additional real estate. If you are in need of a JavaScript library that magically updates your UI for everything from small screens, to tablets, to desktops, check out Sencha Touch.

  • I realized that the guy behind jQTouch also worked/works on Sencha Touch, which got me even more confused. But he gave some details about the difference between these two on his blog.

For detailed understanding and to know the differences between mobile frameworks,

you can consider the following link.


As I discuss on my blog post:


I find jQuery Mobile a lot more feature rich and with a lot better cross platform support. JQTouch is very lightweight and great for "form-based" apps that just need navigation. It is missing a lot of the features that users have asked for, and have been turned down, like fixed footers and tabbars.