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Correct syntax for map iterator of template class' inner class?

I'd like to ask help with the correct syntax to declare a std::map whose mapped_type is an inner class of a template class.

Please find in the code below a #if/#else block. The "#if 1" block has template class Outer that contains inner class Inner. The Outer defines function Func that takes a std map whose mapped_type is of type Inner.

#include <map>

#if 1
template<typename C, typename T>
class Outer
        Outer(const C& c, const T& t){}
        virtual ~Outer(){}

        class Inner
                Inner(T t){}
                virtual ~Inner(){}

                T mT;

        void Func(std::map<C, Inner>& rMap);

        std::map<C, Inner> mMap;

template<typename C, typename T>
void Outer<C, T>::Func(std::map<C, Outer::Inner>& rMap)
    std::map<C, Inner>::iterator iter;

    for (iter = rMap.begin(); iter != rMap.end(); ++iter)
        mMap[iter->first] = iter->second;


class Outer
        Outer(const int& i, const double& d){}
        virtual ~Outer(){}

        class Inner
                Inner() : mD(0){}
                Inner(const double d) : mD(d){}
                virtual ~Inner(){}

                double mD;

        void Func(std::map<int, Inner>& rMap);

        std::map<int, Inner> mMap;

void Outer::Func(std::map<int, Inner>& rMap)
    std::map<int, Inner>::iterator iter;

    for (iter = rMap.begin(); iter != rMap.end(); ++iter)
        mMap[iter->first] = iter->second;


int main()
    return 0;

Compilation fails in Outer::Func(...) at the declaration of the std::map iterator, i.e. this line:

std::map<C, Inner>::iterator iter;

I've tried but cannot figure out what is wrong with the line of code.

For comparison/contrast, the "#else" block contains non-template code of similar nature. This code compiles.

The compile error and g++ version are:

>g++ main.cpp
main.cpp: In member function ‘void Outer<C, T>::Func(std::map<C, Outer<C, T>::Inner, std::less<_Key>, std::allocator<std::pair<const C, Outer<C, T>::Inner> > >&)’:
main.cpp:31: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘iter’
main.cpp:33: error: ‘iter’ was not declared in this scope

>g++ --version
g++ (GCC) 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-11)
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Thank you for any help.

like image 213
StoneThrow Avatar asked Jul 30 '16 03:07


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1 Answers

Since Inner is member of your template Owner<C, T>, it becomes a dependent name. That causes the identifier iterator, which in this case is a member of std::map<C, Inner>, to become a dependent name aswell.

This forces you to use the keyword typename, according to the rules:

typename std::map<C, Inner>::iterator iter;

This is because the compiler can't be sure what certain constructs inside of your class mean since it does not know the exact types used for C and T yet:

Inside the definition of a template (both class template and function template), the meaning of some constructs may differ from one instantiation to another. In particular, types and expressions may depend on types of type template parameters and values of non-type template parameters.

The typename keyword is used to tell the compiler that the symbol you are accessing is indeed a type alias / type.

like image 79
nshct Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 22:10
