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How to report a stack buffer overrun on Windows?




In the code shown below I have used all documented ways to detect an exception and produce a diagnostic. It uses the C++ try/catch keywords, catches an SEH exception with the __try/__catch extension keywords, uses the Windows' AddVectoredExceptionHandler() and SetUnhandledExceptionFilter() winapi functions to install VEH/SEH filters.

Running this with Visual C++ 2003:
/GS: outputs "hello,world!" and terminates with exit code 0.
/GS-: outputs "hello,world!" and terminates with exit code 0.

Running this with Visual C++ 2013:
/GS: no output, terminates with exit code -1073740791
/GS-: outputs "hello,world!" and terminates with exit with 0.

How do I produce a diagnostic in a VS2013 compiled program with /GS in effect?

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <Windows.h>

#define CALL_FIRST 1  
#define CALL_LAST 0

LONG WINAPI MyVectoredHandler(struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *ExceptionInfo)


LONG WINAPI MyUnhandledExceptionFilter(_In_ struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *ExceptionInfo)


void f()
        char p[20] = "hello,world!";
        p[24] = '!';
        printf("%s\n", p);
        printf("f() exception\n");

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    AddVectoredExceptionHandler(CALL_FIRST, MyVectoredHandler);

    catch (...){
        printf("catched f exception\n");
    return 0;
like image 443
liuaifu Avatar asked May 25 '16 05:05


2 Answers

The CRT function that handles stack buffer overruns detection, __report_gsfailure(), assumes that the stack frame corruption was induced by a malware attack. Such malware traditionally messed with the fs:[0] SEH exception filters (stored on the stack frame) to get an exception handler to trigger the malware payload. One of the ways to get data to turn into executable code.

So that CRT function cannot assume that throwing an exception is safe to do. And no longer does in the CRT included with VS2013, goes back to ~VS2005. It will failfast if the OS supports it and, if not, ensures that a registered VEH/SEH exception handler cannot see the exception either. Kaboom, crash to the desktop with no diagnostic unless you have a debugger attached.

The /SAFESEH option defeats this kind of malware attack so it isn't as serious as it once was. If you are still at the stage where your code suffers from stack corruption bugs and your app is not popular enough to become the target of malware then replacing the CRT function is something you could consider.

Do talk this over with your supervisor, you never want to be personally responsible for this given the enormous liability to your client. History rarely tells the tale of what happened to the one programmer whose code put an entire corporation out of business for a month. But surely wasn't anything pretty.

Paste this code somewhere close to your main() function:

__declspec(noreturn) extern "C"
void __cdecl __report_gsfailure() {

And plan to remove it again soon.

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Hans Passant Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 04:10

Hans Passant

There is no solution for the question as asked.

Overrunning an array causes undefined behaviour in standard C++, so no particular result is guaranteed. Failure to give a reliable result is not a problem with the compiler - it is permitted behaviour.

I'm aware of no implementation that guarantees any specific behaviour in response to an overrun - VS certainly doesn't. Which is hardly surprising as compilers are not required to do that (that is, essentially, the meaning of undefined behaviour). The reason that is the case is that it is often difficult to reliably or consistently detect such occurrences.

This means the only consistent way to detect an array overrun is to check that array indices are valid BEFORE using them to access an array element and take appropriate actions (e.g. throw an exception which can be caught instead of doing the bad operation). The downside is that it does not provide a simple or reliable way to catch errors in arbitrary code - short of modifying all code to do the required checks.

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Peter Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 04:10
