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Copy paste SQL between MS OneNote and SSMS

I use OneNote to keep all usefull info for my work, including SQL queries.

So I copy paste them between OneNote and Microsoft SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio)

When I do so, I have often wrong characters in SSMS that I must remove manually.

In the other way around (from SSMS to OneNote), the nice color SQL formatting is lost (I can put it into MS Word and then OneNote and it works but it is not very practical).

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Helodia Avatar asked Feb 04 '14 13:02


People also ask

Can you copy and paste from OneNote?

To copy and paste a single note: Select a single note container by clicking the note border at the top of the container. Right-click and choose Copy or press Ctrl+C to copy the contents. Paste the contents into the other application.

How do I copy and paste into SSMS?

Paste values into a template of commands Instead you can copy the values you want to insert by highlighting them while holding down the ALT key then positioning the cursor on the first location where you want to paste the values. Then once you paste, SSMS will automatically multiline paste the values.

How do I copy and paste a SQL Query?

To copy a query In the SQL pane, copy the portion of the query you want to copy. Create a new query or open the query where you want to paste the copied SQL. Position the cursor where you want to add the SQL code. Right-click and from the shortcut menu click Paste.

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After you know that, the SQL syntax is easier to read and modify. You can copy and paste in the SQL box with the Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V shortcuts, respectively.

1 Answers

Copy the text from SSMS to Microsoft word. Then copy the formatted text from MS Word to OneNote. Works fine.

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Reggie Avatar answered Jan 01 '23 11:01
