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SDK path is empty in Notepad++ plugin.net

I'm trying to develop a Notepad++ plugin using a nppPlugin.netV0.6 template.

Downloaded from http://sourceforge.net/projects/sourcecookifier/files/other%20plugins/NppPlugin.NET.v0.6.zip/download

I got a build error [SDK path is empty.]

The same template is working in other system (XP also).

Can anyone give me an resolution for this issue?

like image 849
RGA Avatar asked Jan 29 '14 12:01


1 Answers

The build process calls program ildasm.exe. The directory for that program may not have been added to the PATH environment variable. When I installed Visual Studio 2012 Express installer the directory was not added so I added it to the PATH and the build succeeded.

I tracked the problem down by increasing the amount of logging output written by the build process. (Via Tools => Options => Projects and Solutions => Build and run => MS Build ... verbosity.)

Not sure whether your error is identical. Before adding the directory to the PATH the errors below were generated:

1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: NppManagedPluginDemo.VS2010, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------
1> NppManagedPluginDemo.VS2010 -> C:\Adrian\VS\NppPlugin.NET.v0.5\Demo Plugin\NppManagedPluginDemo\bin\Debug\Demo.dll
1> ILDasm: calling 'ildasm.exe' with /quoteallnames /unicode /nobar /linenum "/out:C:\Users\Adrian_2\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpAB1F\Demo.il" "C:\Adrian\VS\NppPlugin.NET.v0.5\Demo Plugin\NppManagedPluginDemo\bin\Debug\Demo.dll"
1>C:\Adrian\VS\NppPlugin.NET.v0.5\Demo Plugin\NppManagedPluginDemo\DllExport\NppPlugin.DllExport.targets(8,5): error : The system cannot find the file specified

There are several versions of ildasm.exe in sub directories of c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\ of my current computer.

like image 83
AdrianHHH Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 01:10
