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Convert String^ in c# to CString in c++/CLI

I need a help on one question where I stuck while coding my app in MFC.

I am using CLR i.e Common Language Runtime in my application to integrate c# APIs. but now I stuck on converting System::String^ to CString. I am not able to do that.

I am using Following code.

String^ csPass = gcnew String(strPassword.GetBuffer());
array<Byte>^ Value = Encoding::UTF8->GetBytes(csPass);
for (int i = 0; i < Value->Length; i++ )
csPass += String::Format( "{0:X2}", Value[ i ] );

now I want to convert csPass to CString. Can any one help me on this. Thank you in advance.

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A B Avatar asked Jan 11 '14 07:01


1 Answers

Got My answer. Thanks for your support @Elliot Tereschuk.

I have gone through some references like

  1. How to: Extend the Marshaling Library
  2. Overview of Marshaling in C++
  3. For CString.Format()


include header files

#include <msclr/marshal_windows.h>
#include <msclr/marshal.h>

using Library using namespace msclr::interop;

And finally My source code is.

String^ csPass = gcnew String(strPassword.GetBuffer());
array<Byte>^ Value = Encoding::UTF8->GetBytes(csPass);
for (int i = 0; i < Value->Length; i++ )
csPass += String::Format( "{0:X2}", Value[ i ] );

marshal_context^ context = gcnew marshal_context();

const char* str = context->marshal_as<const char*>(csPass);


csMypass is a CString type Variable. Thank you for support.

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A B Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 23:10