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Add more behaviour without creating new classes

This was the question asked in an interview.

There is a Label with a property Text
In one page a label is simple Label, in other pages it may handle any one or combination of the below actions

How do you design this label component that applies OOP design Principle & Design Pattern?

I said that I would create the following:

public class Label
  public string Text{get;set;}
public interface IClickable
 void Click();

public interface IDraggable
 void Drag();
public interface IResizable
 void Resize();

So that if the client want Resizable Label

public class ResizableLabel:Label,IResizable

same way ClickableLable, DraggableLabel

However, I feel that this is the incorrect approach, because I do not want to add those concrete classes. I want to avoid having ClickableAndDraggableLabel or ClickableDraggableResizableLabel.

Is there any design pattern that would solve this problem without adding these concrete classes?

like image 269
Billa Avatar asked Apr 19 '13 07:04


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Today's pattern is the State pattern, which allows objects to behave in different ways depending on internal state. State is used when you need a class to behave differently, such as performing slightly different computations, based on some arguments passed through to the class.

1 Answers

I would use Decorator pattern. It is used extensivelly in .net world for different kind of streams, that allow you to compose encrypted, zipped, text stream wrappers for byte stream, for example. class diagram is taken from wiki

enter image description here

Example for you situation is not so trivial in implementation, but usage doen't require another classes for new compising behavior:

// Define other methods and classes here
public class Label
    public string Text{get;set;}

    public virtual void MouseOver(object sender, EventArgs args) { /*some logic*/ }
    public virtual void Click(object sender, EventArgs args) {  /*some logic*/ }

    //other low level events

public class ClikableLabel : Label
    private Label _label;

    public ClikableLabel(Label label)
        _label = label; 

    public override void Click(object sender, EventArgs args) 
        //specific logic
        _label.Click(sender, args);

public class DraggableLabel : Label
    private Label _label;

    public DraggableLabel(Label label)
        _label = label; 

    public override void Click(object sender, EventArgs args) 
        //specific logic
        _label.Click(sender, args);
public class ResizableLabel : Label
    private Label _label;

    public ResizableLabel(Label label)
        _label = label; 

    public override void MouseOver(object sender, EventArgs args) 
        //specific logic
        _label.MouseOver(sender, args);

    public override  void Click(object sender, EventArgs args) 
        //specific logic
        _label.Click(sender, args);

now you can

var clickableDragableLabel = new ClikableLabel(new DraggableLabel(new Label{Text = "write me!"}));

var makeItResizable = new ResizableLabel(clickableDragableLabel);
like image 98
Ilya Ivanov Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 13:11

Ilya Ivanov