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Convert row names into first column

Or you can use tibble's rownames_to_column which does the same thing as David's answer:

df <- tibble::rownames_to_column(df, "VALUE")

Note: The earlier function called add_rownames() has been deprecated and is being replaced by tibble::rownames_to_column()

You can both remove row names and convert them to a column by reference (without reallocating memory using ->) using setDT and its keep.rownames = TRUE argument from the data.table package

setDT(df, keep.rownames = TRUE)[]
# 1:  1 1007_s_at  957.7292         P 0.004862793
# 2:  2   1053_at  320.6327         P 0.031335632
# 3:  3    117_at  429.8423         P 0.017000453
# 4:  4    121_at 2395.7364         P 0.011447358
# 5:  5 1255_g_at  116.4936         A 0.397993682
# 6:  6   1294_at  739.9271         A 0.066864977

As mentioned by @snoram, you can give the new column any name you want, e.g. setDT(df, keep.rownames = "newname") would add "newname" as the rows column.

A one line option is :

df$names <- rownames(df)

Alternatively, you can create a new dataframe (or overwrite the current one, as the example below) so you do not need to use of any external package. However this way may not be efficient with huge dataframes.

df <- data.frame(names = row.names(df), df)

Moved my comment into an answer per suggestion above:

You don't need extra packages, here's a one-liner:

d <- cbind(rownames(d), data.frame(d, row.names=NULL))

dplyr::as_tibble(df, rownames = "your_row_name") will give you even simpler result.