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Convert elements in a numpy array to string

I wrote the following script to load data from CSV file in numpy array form:

import numpy

sample = numpy.genfromtxt('sample_cor.csv', delimiter = ',')
print sample

and this sample looked like:

[[  259463.392   2737830.062 ]
 [  255791.4823  2742050.772 ]
 [  249552.4949  2746152.328 ]
 [  247925.1228  2746422.143 ]
 [  262030.4697  2728966.229 ]
 [  260462.1936  2731412.856 ]
 [  260644.0281  2735003.027 ]
 [  268588.7974  2732835.097 ]]

now I want to extract every row in this array to string with a comma, for example, I expected row 1 to be converted to 259463.392,2737830.062, row 2 to be 255791.4823,2742050.772, and so on.

I tried the code below:

ss = numpy.array_str(sample[0])
print ss
print type(ss)

and got the result maybe not what I want,

[  259463.392  2737830.062]
<type 'str'>

(I used coords = '259467.2,2737833.87' and got the string form which was what I want: 259467.2,2737833.87)

How to convert elements in a numpy array to string with a comma?

like image 845
Heinz Avatar asked Oct 26 '16 12:10


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How do you convert an array to a string in Python?

To convert a list to a string, use Python List Comprehension and the join() function. The list comprehension will traverse the elements one by one, and the join() method will concatenate the list's elements into a new string and return it as output.

Can a NumPy array contain strings?

The elements of a NumPy array, or simply an array, are usually numbers, but can also be boolians, strings, or other objects.

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Iterate over each integer element using a for loop such as for element in list . Convert the int to a string using str(element) and append it to the new string list using the list. append() method.

1 Answers

Here's an approach using join method -

[",".join(item) for item in a.astype(str)]

Sample run -

In [141]: a
array([[  259463.392 ,  2737830.062 ],
       [  255791.4823,  2742050.772 ],
       [  249552.4949,  2746152.328 ],
       [  247925.1228,  2746422.143 ],
       [  262030.4697,  2728966.229 ],
       [  260462.1936,  2731412.856 ],
       [  260644.0281,  2735003.027 ],
       [  268588.7974,  2732835.097 ]])

In [142]: [",".join(item) for item in a.astype(str)]
like image 155
Divakar Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 19:10
