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Why is for-of loop faster than standard for loop for small arrays and slower for larger arrays?

In JavaScript, I noticed that the ES6 for ... of loop has a much different performance than the traditional for (start; stop; step) loop.


const n = 10000;
const arr = Array(n).fill().map((e, i) => i); // [0, n)

console.log('n =', n);

let sum1 = 0;
console.time('for let i');
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
  sum1 += arr[i];
console.timeEnd('for let i');

let sum2 = 0;
console.time('for of');
for (let v of arr) {
  sum2 += v;
console.timeEnd('for of');


n = 10
for let i: 0.350ms
for of: 0.015ms
n = 100
for let i: 0.354ms
for of: 0.023ms
n = 1000
for let i: 0.429ms
for of: 0.111ms
n = 10000
for let i: 1.048ms
for of: 2.138ms
n = 100000
for let i: 9.452ms
for of: 13.644ms

(Tested using Node.js v10.11.0)

As you can see, as n increases, the speed of the for-of loop decreases at a faster rate than the standard for loop. Why is the for-of loop faster for smaller arrays and slower for larger ones?

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Brenden Avatar asked Oct 22 '18 03:10


People also ask

Which loop is faster than for loop?

so none of them is faster than the other. Whatever may be the form of loop, the test condition will take same time.

WHY ARE for loops faster?

The main reason that While is much slower is because the while loop checks the condition after each iteration, so if you are going to write this code, just use a for loop instead.

Is array reduce faster than for loop?

Both for and for..of are 3.5 times faster than reduce .

Is for each loop slower than for loop?

The forloop is faster than the foreach loop if the array must only be accessed once per iteration.

3 Answers

When benchmarking smaller values, the overhead operations can have a bigger impact on the test.

For example, if variable initialization and memory allocation takes 0.1 ms, this is negligible with n > 1000, however significant with n = 10.

In this case, the for/of operator allows the V8 engine to optimize the loop operation (reducing the overheads like above). For example it may pre-load the array items onto the stack or similar.

The for/let operation will process each item independent of the whole array, and is more explicit in variable usage (reducing the amount of optimization the engine can do).

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Russell Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 13:10


I'd suggest taking a look into microbenchmarking concept, and also getting familiar with this great answer for microbenchmarking in JS.

In short, when testing something small like for loops for timings, you can easily get your test logic interfered with other ongoing processes under the hood. For example, if you swap the order of execution in your test case so that for of is executed before for let, you may notice surprising timings change for smaller n values (spoiler: in this case for let wins the race for n=10 and n=100)

So, the answer to your why question: for let is slower in your listing, because it is closer to the program start and executes on more 'cold' vm, also warming it up for the consequent for let statement. The bigger the n is, the lesser this side effect contributes to the measured execution time.

That's why microbenchmarks imply execution of the series of identical tests instead of just a single one - to make small side effects not that significant on the higher scale

Additionally, note that canonical unit of measurement of performance of statements is "total operations per unit of time", instead of absolute time per single set of operations

Example microbenchmark for your topic can be found here

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Kostiantyn Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 13:10


The for-of loops only over the data (like the cells of an array), not the objects themselves. Increasing performance greatly.

The other loops loop over objects. The for-of loop makes the internal code simpler.

Instead of accessing the memory addresses (a hex number) of the array, which takes longer for larger arrays of n size. Those types of loops are more suitable for smaller quantities.

The for-of loop iterates over the numerical data and NOT the objects, which is much more efficient at looping through a ton of elements. You apply the necessary loop type to the specific situation of your code.

It's like a horse and a car. The horse is good for a journey less than 100 miles and not a 100+ mile one. When a car can do that better.

Refer to this link for more info. - https://hacks.mozilla.org/2015/04/es6-in-depth-iterators-and-the-for-of-loop/

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Compiler v2 Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 13:10

Compiler v2