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Storing different types inside a list?




Related: A list of multiple data types?

I want to know how to store different array types (including system types) inside an array.

The above question covered how to create a list that will allow only user-defined classes by using interfaces. But what if I want a list that will accept only doubles and strings? What about doubles and a class I wrote? What about a list that will accept only a class a wrote and a class someone else wrote (so I can't add an interface to the 3rd party class, I think).

I considered using List<object>, but I don't know if that's the accepted best practice.

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Michael0x2a Avatar asked Feb 07 '12 22:02


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If you need to store mixed types - you need to specify closest base class for all types. In List<object> can be stored instance of any type. Show activity on this post. If you are willing to give away type safety you can use an ArrayList, which was the only way to use a list of stuff pre generics.

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1 Answers

You can specify not only custom types. List<int>, List<double>, List<string> will works as well. If you need to store mixed types - you need to specify closest base class for all types. In List<object> can be stored instance of any type.

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Samich Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09
