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Comparing std::functions for equality?

How can I compare two C++11 std::functions with operator==, and return true if both of said functions refer to the same function pointer?

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JesseTG Avatar asked Dec 30 '13 04:12


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2 Answers

operator== for std::function compares a std::function with a null pointer, as far as I can tell the standard does not provide any details as to why.

Although, this boost FAQ entry, Why can't I compare boost::function objects with operator== or operator!=? provides a rationale and as far as I can tell should be applicable to std::function as well. Quoting the FAQ:

Comparison between boost::function objects cannot be implemented "well", and therefore will not be implemented. [...]

it then outlines requested solutions similar to Preet's and goes on to say:

The problem occurs when the type of the function objects stored by both f and g doesn't have an operator==[...]

and explains why this has to has to be dealt with in either the assignment operator or constructor and then goes on to say:

All of these problems translate into failures in the boost::function constructors or assignment operator, even if the user never invokes operator==. We can't do that to users.


Found a standards rationale in Accessing the target of a tr1::function object, which is pretty old but is consistent with the boost FAQ and says:

operator== is unimplementable for tr1::function within the C++ language, because we do not have a reliable way to detect if a given type T is Equality Comparable without user assistance.

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Shafik Yaghmour Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09

Shafik Yaghmour

You can actually get it to work with .target:

template<typename T, typename... U> size_t getAddress(std::function<T(U...)> f) {     typedef T(fnType)(U...);     fnType ** fnPointer = f.template target<fnType*>();     return (size_t) *fnPointer; }  if (getAddress(f) == getAddress(g)) {...} 

(Ref: C++ trying to get function address from a std::function)

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P i Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 16:09

P i