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Compare output rather than command

Trying to create a script to read a remote file and check the md5 checksum and alert if a mismatch yet getting an error I can't understand.

REMOTEMD5=$(ssh user@host 'md5sum file.txt')
LOCALMD5=$(md5sum 'file.txt')
  echo "all OK"
  echo -e "no match, Local:"$LOCALMD5"\nRemote:"$REMOTEMD5

This returns line 4: [6135222a12f06b2dfce6a5c1b736891e: command not found

I've tried using ' or " around the $LOCALMD5 but never seem able to get this to compare the outputs. What am I doing wrong? Thanks

like image 734
moztech Avatar asked Jan 09 '12 18:01


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2 Answers


if [ "$LOCALMD5" == "$REMOTEMD5" ]

which should work better.

Edit: I think you got == and != reversed in your code.

like image 197
Joachim Isaksson Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 13:10

Joachim Isaksson

I think it should be like this:

REMOTEMD5=$(ssh user@host 'md5sum file.txt')
LOCALMD5=$(md5sum 'file.txt')
if [ "$LOCALMD5" == "$REMOTEMD5" ]
  echo "all OK"
  echo -e "no match, Local:"$LOCALMD5"\nRemote:"$REMOTEMD5

The space between the bracket and the value is important!

like image 33
Mithrandir Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 14:10
