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Comma-separated string to NSArray in Objective-C

So I have no experience with arrays... But I need to use one to populate a UIPickerView. I am obtaining a list of objects via HTTP (NSURLConnection). This works fine. Currently, the response is stored in a NSString as a comma-separated list. I need to convert it to an array. I think this is the type of array I need:

NSArray  * myArray2 = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"foo",@"bar",@"baz",nil]; 

Maybe I'm overcomplicating things... I'm really not sure. There is already an array for the PickerView, and I have it setup so to add an item to the PickerView array I use this code:

[pickerArray addObject:@"Item 1"]; 

So... How do I separate the items in a comma-separated string (item 1,item 2,item 3,...) into separate array items ([pickerArray addObject:@"item 1"];)??

like image 852
whitebreadb Avatar asked Jan 29 '12 23:01


1 Answers

Assuming there's no worry about escaping/unescaping commas contained within the strings, it should be this simple:

NSArray *items = [theString componentsSeparatedByString:@","]; 
like image 54
Andrew Madsen Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 04:10

Andrew Madsen