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How can I sort strings in NSMutableArray into alphabetical order?

I have a list of strings in an NSMutableArray, and I want to sort them into alphabetical order before displaying them in my table view.

How can I do that?

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praveena Avatar asked Jun 11 '11 10:06


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2 Answers

There is the following Apple's working example, using sortedArrayUsingSelector: and localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare: in the Collections Documentation:

sortedArray = [anArray sortedArrayUsingSelector:                        @selector(localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare:)]; 

Note that this will return a new sorted array. If you want to sort your NSMutableArray in place, then use sortUsingSelector: instead, like so:

[mutableArray sortUsingSelector:@selector(localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare:)]; 
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Vijay-Apple-Dev.blogspot.com Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 22:10


Here's an updated answer for Swift:

  • Sorting can be done in Swift with the help of closures. There are two methods - sort and sorted which facilitate this.

    var unsortedArray = [ "H", "ello", "Wo", "rl", "d"] var sortedArray = unsortedArray.sorted { $0.localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare($1) == NSComparisonResult.OrderedAscending } 

    Note: Here sorted will return a sorted array. The unsortedArray itself will not be sorted.

  • If you want to sort unsortedArray itself, use this

    unsortedArray.sort { $0.localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare($1) == NSComparisonResult.OrderedAscending } 

Reference :
  • Here is the documentation for Swift's sorting methods.

  • Docs for different String comparison methods here.


Instead of using localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare, this could also be done:

stringArray.sort{ $0.lowercaseString < $1.lowercaseString } 

or even

stringArray.sort{ $0 < $1 } 

if you want a case sensitive comparison

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aksh1t Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 22:10
