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Combine state with IO actions

Suppose I have a state monad such as:

data Registers = Reg {...}  data ST = ST {registers :: Registers,               memory    :: Array Int Int}  newtype Op a = Op {runOp :: ST -> (ST, a)}  instance Monad Op where  return a    = Op $ \st -> (st, a)  (>>=) stf f = Op $ \st -> let (st1, a1) = runOp stf st                                (st2, a2) = runOp (f a1) st1                             in (st2, a2) 

with functions like

getState :: (ST -> a) -> Op a getState g = Op (\st -> (st, g st)  updState :: (ST -> ST) -> Op () updState g = Op (\st -> (g st, ())) 

and so forth. I want to combine various operations in this monad with IO actions. So I could either write an evaluation loop in which operations in this monad were performed and an IO action is executed with the result, or, I think, I should be able to do something like the following:

newtype Op a = Op {runOp :: ST -> IO (ST, a)} 

Printing functions would have type Op () and other functions would have type Op a, e.g., I could read a character from the terminal using a function of type IO Char. However, I'm not sure what such a function would look like, since e.g., the following is not valid.

runOp (do x <- getLine; setMem 10 ... (read x :: Int) ... ) st 

since getLine has type IO Char, but this expression would have type Op Char. In outline, how would I do this?

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emi Avatar asked Sep 03 '10 22:09


1 Answers

Use liftIO

You're already very close! Your suggestion

newtype Op a = Op {runOp :: ST -> IO (ST, a)} 

is excellent and the way to go.

To be able to execute getLine in an Op context, you need to 'lift' the IO operation into the Op monad. You can do this by writing a function liftIO:

liftIO :: IO a -> Op a liftIO io = Op $ \st -> do   x <- io   return (st, x) 

You can now write:

runOp (do x <- liftIO getLine; ... 

Use class MonadIO

Now the pattern of lifting an IO action into a custom monad is so common that there is a standard type class for it:

import Control.Monad.Trans  class Monad m => MonadIO m where   liftIO :: IO a -> m a 

So that your version of liftIO becomes an instance of MonadIO instead:

instance MonadIO Op where   liftIO = ... 

Use StateT

You've currently written your own version of the state monad, specialised to state ST. Why don't you use the standard state monad? It saves you from having to write your own Monad instance, which is always the same for the state monad.

type Op = StateT ST IO 

StateT already has a Monad instance and a MonadIO instance, so you can use those immediately.

Monad transformers

StateT is a so-called monad transformer. You only want IO actions in your Op monad, so I've already specialized it with the IO monad for you (see the definition of type Op). But monad transformers allow you to stack arbitrary monads. This what intoverflow is talking about. You can read more about them here and here.

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Martijn Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 02:10
