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Colors in Emacs shell prompt



Is it possible to use colors in the Emacs shell prompt (the prompt itself, not the rest of the shell screen) with the bash PS1 variable? I believe I have the syntax correct (e.g., PS1='[\u@\h \[\e[0;31m\]\W\[\e[m\]]\$ ' - it works in term or ansi-term), but it seems like Emacs is applying the comint-highlight-prompt face. I can set that to some color, and it works, but I want to be able to set individual parts of the prompt to different colors. I prefer using shell over term or ansi-term, so I'd rather not switch.


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Justin Schell Avatar asked Sep 13 '14 01:09

Justin Schell

People also ask

What Is syntax of the colorized bash?

Here's what you need to know: You must include the entire color code information between the \[ and \] character s. Inside the tag, you must begin with either \033[ or \e[ to indicate to Bash that this is color information. Both \033[ and \e[ do the same thing.

How do I use Emacs shells?

7.7 How do I use a shell in Emacs? You can start an interactive shell in Emacs by typing M-x shell . By default, this will start the standard Windows shell cmd.exe . Emacs uses the SHELL environment variable to determine which program to use as the shell.

2 Answers

Figured it out: The comint-highlight-prompt face was set to inherit from minibuffer-prompt, which was setting the :weight, :foreground and :background. Removing the inheritance prevented the colors set in PS1 from being overridden by the comint-highlight-prompt face. Added this to my .emacs file.

(set-face-attribute 'comint-highlight-prompt nil
                    :inherit nil)

Also, M-x customize-group <ret> font-lock-faces was helpful in figuring this out.

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Justin Schell Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 01:09

Justin Schell

I would recommend not to change the face globally (since there are many comint users besides shell mode) but in a buffer specific manner by setting a mode hook:

(add-hook 'shell-mode-hook
      (lambda ()
        (face-remap-set-base 'comint-highlight-prompt :inherit nil)))
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memeplex Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 01:09
