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Coding Katas for practicing the refactoring of legacy code

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What is refactor legacy code?

Refactoring legacy code is the process of improving the structure of an old or unfamiliar code without changing its functionality. The idea is to clean up lines of complex codes so you can understand or work with them better. This may include reducing redundancies or errors to make the code readable and manageable.

What are the best practices for refactoring?

For many developers, the best moment to refactor is before working on a new version of the software or before adding new functionality. Cleaning up the code before adding new features to it improves the quality of the product itself and makes the job easier for other developers.

I don't know of a site that catalogs them directly, but one strategy that I've used on occasion is this:

  1. Find an old, small, unmaintained open source project on sourceforge
  2. Download it, get it to compile/build/run
  3. Read the documentation, get a feel for the code
  4. Use the techniques in Working Effectively with Legacy Code to get a piece of it under test
  5. Refactor that piece, perhaps fixing bugs and adding features along the way
  6. Repeat steps 4 through 6

When you find a part that was especially challenging, throw away your work and repeat it a couple times to reinforce your skills.

This doesn't just practice refactoring, but other skills like code reading, testing, and dealing with build processes.

The hardest problem is finding a project that you're interested enough in to keep working in. The last one I worked on was a python library for genetic programming, and the current one I'm working on is a IRC library for Java.

I feel like necromancer replying to such an old thread, but there is one thing that would make for a worthy addition - Legacy Code Retreat.

Idea is to have a Code Retreat with legacy code and try to practice the very techniques for dealing with such, but I can't see anything that would ban you from simply using the code prepared and practicing with it by yourself. Just using it for creating a Golden Master makes for an hour of work, and there's a lot more you can do. If your kata usually last around 2 hours, I'd say just by splitting what usually happens on LCR into kata gives you four different things to work on.

There's a GitHub repository by idea's author, J.B. Rainsberger, that contains a simple legacy system that you are to work with, Trivia Game.

From my experience as organizer/participant, folks really liked this and it was illuminating to see what can be a problem in a legacy code and where your refactoring can lead you astray (and how!). Here's yet another account of how it looks like, by Andreas Leidig.

Emily Bache has a github repository with some refactoring katas: Emily Bache's Refactoring Kata Repo. There are variants of KataYahtzee and KataTennis to refactor. Also, she has a variant of the Gilded Rose Kata, which was designed as a refactoring kata.

Also, she has the Racing Car Katas in her repo: Racing Car Kata. The Race Car Katas also include good exercises for refactoring.

Those kata have the code in multiple langauages:

  • C++
  • C#
  • Java
  • Javascript
  • Python
  • Ruby