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Client Profile vs Full [duplicate]

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Difference between .NET 4 Client Profile and Full Framework download

I noticed that you can change the target platform in .NET applications to the Client Profile or the Full profile. What is the difference between the two? How should I choose which is the correct one for my project?

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Roman Avatar asked Aug 25 '10 00:08


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What is the difference between .NET Framework 4.0 and client profile?

The full framework includes features not available in the Client Profile. As a developer, you should choose the feature set that supports your application. If your app is fully supported by the Client Profile, there is no need to select the full 4.0. As the Client Profile is a subset of the full .

What is .NET Framework 4 client Profile?

NET Framework 4 Client Profile is a subset of the . NET Framework 4 that is optimized for client applications. It provides functionality for most client applications, including Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), Windows Forms, Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), and ClickOnce features.

What is .NET client Profile?

NET Framework 4. The Client Profile is designed to run client applications and to enable the fastest possible deployment for Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and Windows Forms technology. Application developers who require features that are not included in the Client Profile should target the full .

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NET Framework 4. The . NET Framework is Microsoft's comprehensive and consistent programming model for building applications that have visually stunning user experiences, seamless and secure communication, and the ability to model a range of business processes. The .

1 Answers

There is very little point in targeting the client profile for .NET 4.0. The download is 41MB, the full version is 48MB, only 15% bigger.

The client profile does make a lot of sense if you target 3.5, the full installer is ~350 MB. The huge difference is explained by the prerequisites, .NET 4.0 requires at least XP SP3 or Vista SP1, 3.5 installs on any version of Windows > 2000. The 3.5 installer thus contains lots of the required updates for unmanaged Windows components used by .NET. The web installer lessens that blow considerably btw.

The client profile is painful in .NET 4.0 because VS2010 made it the default .NET framework target. And deals quite poorly with a solution that has projects that have a mix of full and client profile targets, produces very mystifying build errors on code that IntelliSense doesn't complain about. They didn't make the same mistake again in VS2012, nor does .NET 4.5 have a Client profile. Good riddance.

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Hans Passant Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 17:11

Hans Passant