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Church-Rosser Theorem Example in a Functional Programming Language

I have seen multiple references to the Church Rosser theorem, and in particular the diamond property diagram, while learning functional programming but I have not come across a great code example.

If a language like Haskell can be viewed as a kind of lambda calculus then it must be possible to drum up some examples using the language itself.

I would give bonus points if the example easily showed how the steps or reductions lead to easily parallelizable execution.

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user1411349 Avatar asked May 23 '12 22:05


1 Answers

All this theorem states is that an expression that can be reduced via multiple paths necessarily will be further reducible to a common product.

For example, take this piece of Haskell code:

vecLenSq :: Float -> Float -> Float
vecLenSq x y =
  xsq + ysq
    xsq = x * x
    ysq = y * y

In Lambda Calculus, this function is roughly equivalent to (parens added for clarity, operators assumed primitive):

λ x . (λ y . (λ xsq . (λ ysq . (xsq + ysq)) (y * y)) (x * x))

The expression can be reduced by first applying a β reduction to xsq or by applying a β reduction to ysq, i.e. the "order of evaluation" is arbitrary. One can reduce the expression in the following order:

λ x . (λ y . (λ xsq . (xsq + (y * y))) (x * x))
λ x . (λ y . ((x * x) + (y * y)))

... or in the following order:

λ x . (λ y . (λ ysq . ((x * x) + ysq)) (y * y))
λ x . (λ y . ((x * x) + (y * y)))

The result is evidently the same.

This means that the terms xsq and ysq are independently reducible, and that their reductions may be parallelized. And indeed, one could parallelize the reductions like so in Haskell:

vecLenSq :: Float -> Float -> Float
vecLenSq x y =
  (xsq `par` ysq) `pseq` xsq + ysq
    xsq = x * x
    ysq = y * y

This parallelization would in reality not offer an advantage in this particular situation, since two simple float multiplications executed in sequence are more efficient than two paralellized multiplications because of scheduling overhead, but it might be worthwhile for more complex operations.

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dflemstr Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 13:10
