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What happens under the hood with `deriving` in Haskell?



I am just beginning to learn Haskell. I have seen many intro examples explaining the basics of types, but they often have a deriving statement below the type. Here is an example from Chapter 3 of RealWorldHaskell:

data Cartesian2D = Cartesian2D Double Double
                   deriving (Eq, Show)

data Polar2D = Polar2D Double Double
               deriving (Eq, Show)

They explain deriving somewhat in Chapter 6, which helps you know how it is used.

So far from what I understand, deriving (Show) is necessary to tell Haskell how to turn your type into a string. That makes sense at a practical level. I come from JavaScript land, so to me you could easily imagine this would be implemented like:

Polar2D.prototype.toString = function(){
  return '[Polar2D]';

In Haskell, they give the example of how to implement your own Show for the Color type, instead of using deriving.

data Color = Red | Green | Blue
instance Show Color where
  Red = "red"
  Green = "green"
  Blue = "blue"

That means when your in the ghci repl, you can do:

> show Red

But this doesn't explain what deriving is actually doing, it's still magic to me.

My question is, what is happening under the hood with deriving? Also, is there a place on GitHub in the Haskell source where you can see the implementation? That may also be helpful.

like image 767
Lance Avatar asked Nov 01 '14 21:11


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What is show in Haskell?

The shows functions return a function that prepends the output String to an existing String . This allows constant-time concatenation of results using function composition.

What is instance Haskell?

An instance of a class is an individual object which belongs to that class. In Haskell, the class system is (roughly speaking) a way to group similar types. (This is the reason we call them "type classes"). An instance of a class is an individual type which belongs to that class.

1 Answers

GHC is effectively just writing the same instance you wrote by hand, if you pass -ddump-deriv to the compiler you can see the code it generates. For instance:

Prelude> data Color = Red | Green | Blue deriving (Show)

==================== Derived instances ====================
Derived instances:
  instance Show Color where
    showsPrec _ Red = showString "Red"
    showsPrec _ Green = showString "Green"
    showsPrec _ Blue = showString "Blue"
    showList = showList__ (showsPrec 0)

Generic representation:

  Generated datatypes for meta-information:

  Representation types:

There's not really much magic going on here, Show just has a very mechanical implementation. Inside it looks at the internal form of the data constructors (the type is DataConRep in GHC's source ) which it gets from translating the frontend AST and then looks at the names provided in the frontend source and adds a new Show instance in terms of these names and any nested types that also implement Show. The new auto-generated typeclass is registered just like a hand-coded class as if it were written in the current module.

like image 162
Stephen Diehl Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 04:10

Stephen Diehl