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Chrome: not "remembering" the choice to allow access to microphone

I have a super simple web page that uses the Web Speech API so that I can more easily communicate with my mom (she is deaf). Google's voice recognition is fast enough that I can talk to her in realtime (she reads the vr results).

My site: http://goo.gl/Wm69Mp

We are both using Chrome v30.0.1599.66.

The problem I'm running into is that every time I click on the microphone icon Chrome asks me if I want to allow access.

enter image description here

I click 'Allow' every time. If I look at Chrome's Media Settings for my site I see that the audio behavior is set to "Ask" but I can't seem to change it to "Allow".

enter image description here

Does anyone understand what is going on here?

UPDATE It looks like I might have to enable https for my choice to remembered. I'd still like someone to verify that for me if possible.


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RobertJoseph Avatar asked Oct 04 '13 12:10


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1 Answers

According to Google's Docs, if you select allow on a http URL your preference is not remembered. However if it is a https URL it will remember.

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Paddyd Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 03:10
