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setTimeout(0) vs window.postMessage vs MessagePort.postMessage

Apparently, using window.postMessage is a preferred way to queue an async javascript callback over window.setTimeout(fn, 0) across all modern browsers. I could not find a similar comparison between window.postMessage and MessagePort.postMessage (using the same MessageChannel for sending and receiving messages asynchronously). Has anyone seen or done any timing? Does MessagePort.postMessage work for this purpose at all (where available)?

[EDITED] MessagePort.postMessage does work for this, but window.postMessage remains a preffered way, IMO (see my answer).

like image 385
noseratio Avatar asked Sep 16 '13 11:09


People also ask

What is window postMessage?

postMessage() The window. postMessage() method safely enables cross-origin communication between Window objects; e.g., between a page and a pop-up that it spawned, or between a page and an iframe embedded within it.

What is Targetorigin postMessage?

postMessage method allows different windows or iframes to communicate directly, even if they were loaded from different origins, circumventing the usual same-origin policy. The sender of the message can restrict the origin of the receiver by specifying a target origin.

Is window postMessage secure?

Security-Reviewing Uses of postMessage()postMessage is generally considered very secure as long as the programmer is careful to check the origin and source of an arriving message. Acting on a message without verifying its source opens a vector for cross-site scripting attacks.

Is postMessage asynchronous?

The postMessage() function is asynchronous, meaning it will return immediately. So you can not do synchronous communication with it. In your example, the posted message will vanish in the void, because there is no listener for the message event at the time the postMessage() function is executed.

1 Answers

[UPDATE] Added a test for setImmediate and a JSFiddle. Related, there's a cross-browser implementation of setImmediate and ASAP library used by Q for a promise resolution/rejection.

I went ahead and did some timing, using a modified version of David Baron's code, the results are below:

setTimeoutMC - using MessageChannel
setTimeoutPM - using window.postMessage
setTimeout(0) - using setTimer


2000 iterations of setTimeoutMC took 126 milliseconds.
2000 iterations of setTimeoutPM took 190 milliseconds.
2000 iterations of setTimeout(0) took 7986 milliseconds.

Chrome v29.0.1547.66:

2000 iterations of setTimeoutMC took 144 milliseconds.
2000 iterations of setTimeoutPM took 81 milliseconds.
2000 iterations of setTimeout(0) took 10589 milliseconds.

Clearly, window.postMessage is the winner here (considering the level of existing cross-browser support for it). The looser is window.setTimeout(fn, 0) and should be avoided wherever possible.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <!-- http://stackoverflow.com/q/18826570/1768303 -->
    <!-- based on http://dbaron.org/log/20100309-faster-timeouts -->
    <!-- requires IE10 or Chrome. Firefox doesn't support MessageChannel yet -->
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
    <script type="text/javascript">

        // setTimeoutMC via MessageChannel

        (function () {
            "use strict";
            var i = 0;
            var timeouts = {};
            var setApiName = "setTimeoutMC";
            var clearApiName = "clearTimeoutMC";

            var channel = new MessageChannel();

            function post(fn) {
                if (i === 0x100000000) // max queue size
                    i = 0;
                if (++i in timeouts)
                    throw new Error(setApiName + " queue overflow.");
                timeouts[i] = fn;
                return i;

            channel.port1.onmessage = function (ev) {
                var id = ev.data;
                var fn = timeouts[id];
                if (fn) {
                    delete timeouts[id];

            function clear(id) {
                delete timeouts[id];


            window[setApiName] = post;
            window[clearApiName] = clear;

        // setTimeoutPM via window.postMessage

        (function () {
            "use strict";
            var i = 0;
            var timeouts = {};
            var setApiName = "setTimeoutPM";
            var clearApiName = "clearTimeoutPM";
            var messageName = setApiName + new Date().getTime();

            function post(fn) {
                if (i === 0x100000000) // max queue size
                    i = 0;
                if (++i in timeouts)
                    throw new Error(setApiName + " queue overflow.");
                timeouts[i] = fn;
                window.postMessage({ type: messageName, id: i }, "*");
                return i;

            function receive(ev) {
                if (ev.source !== window)
                var data = ev.data;
                if (data && data instanceof Object && data.type === messageName) {
                    var id = ev.data.id;
                    var fn = timeouts[id];
                    if (fn) {
                        delete timeouts[id];

            function clear(id) {
                delete timeouts[id];

            window.addEventListener("message", receive, true);
            window[setApiName] = post;
            window[clearApiName] = clear;

        // timing

        function runtest() {
            var output = document.getElementById("output");
            var outputText = document.createTextNode("");
            function printOutput(line) {
                outputText.data += line + "\n";

            var n = 2000;
            var i = 0;
            var startTime = Date.now();

            function testMC() {
                if (++i === n) {
                    var endTime = Date.now();
                    printOutput(n + " iterations of setTimeoutMC took " + (endTime - startTime) + " milliseconds.");
                    i = 0;
                    startTime = Date.now();
                    setTimeoutPM(testPM, 0);
                } else {

            function testPM() {
                if (++i === n) {
                    var endTime = Date.now();
                    printOutput(n + " iterations of setTimeoutPM took " + (endTime - startTime) + " milliseconds.");
                    i = 0;
                    startTime = Date.now();
                    setTimeout(test, 0);
                } else {

            function test() {
                if (++i === n) {
                    var endTime = Date.now();
                    printOutput(n + " iterations of setTimeout(0) took " + (endTime - startTime) + " milliseconds.");
                else {
                    setTimeout(test, 0);

<body onload="runtest()">
    <pre id="output"></pre>
like image 166
8 revs Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 19:09

8 revs