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Check if all values of array are equal

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How do you check if all values in an array are equal?

To check if all values in an array are equal:Use the Array. every() method to iterate over the array. Check if each array element is equal to the first one. The every method only returns true if the condition is met for all array elements.

How do you check if all values in an array are equal in Javascript?

In order to check whether every value of your records/array is equal to each other or not, you can use this function. allEqual() function returns true if the all records of a collection are equal and false otherwise.

How do you check if an array has all the same values Java?

The Arrays. equals() method checks the equality of the two arrays in terms of size, data, and order of elements. This method will accept the two arrays which need to be compared, and it returns the boolean result true if both the arrays are equal and false if the arrays are not equal.

const allEqual = arr => arr.every( v => v === arr[0] )
allEqual( [1,1,1,1] )  // true

Or one-liner:

[1,1,1,1].every( (val, i, arr) => val === arr[0] )   // true

Array.prototype.every (from MDN) : The every() method tests whether all elements in the array pass the test implemented by the provided function.

Edit: Be a Red ninja:

!!array.reduce(function(a, b){ return (a === b) ? a : NaN; });


var array = ["a", "a", "a"] => result: "true"
var array = ["a", "b", "a"] => result: "false"
var array = ["false", ""] => result: "false"
var array = ["false", false] => result: "false"
var array = ["false", "false"] => result: "true"
var array = [NaN, NaN] => result: "false" 


var array = [] => result: TypeError thrown

This is because we do not pass an initialValue. So, you may wish to check array.length first.

This works. You create a method on Array by using prototype.

if (Array.prototype.allValuesSame === undefined) {
  Array.prototype.allValuesSame = function() {
    for (let i = 1; i < this.length; i++) {
      if (this[i] !== this[0]) {
        return false;
    return true;

Call this in this way:

let a = ['a', 'a', 'a'];
let b = a.allValuesSame(); // true
a = ['a', 'b', 'a'];
b = a.allValuesSame();     // false

You can turn the Array into a Set. If the size of the Set is equal to 1, then all elements of the Array are equal.

function allEqual(arr) {
  return new Set(arr).size == 1;

allEqual(['a', 'a', 'a', 'a']); // true
allEqual(['a', 'a', 'b', 'a']); // false

In JavaScript 1.6, you can use Array.every:

function AllTheSame(array) {
    var first = array[0];
    return array.every(function(element) {
        return element === first;

You probably need some sanity checks, e.g. when the array has no elements. (Also, this won't work when all elements are NaN since NaN !== NaN, but that shouldn't be an issue... right?)

And for performance comparison I also did a benchmark:

function allAreEqual(array){
    if(!array.length) return true;
    // I also made sure it works with [false, false] array
    return array.reduce(function(a, b){return (a === b)?a:(!b);}) === array[0];
function same(a) {
    if (!a.length) return true;
    return !a.filter(function (e) {
        return e !== a[0];

function allTheSame(array) {
    var first = array[0];
    return array.every(function(element) {
        return element === first;

function useSome(array){
    return !array.some(function(value, index, array){
        return value !== array[0];


allAreEqual x 47,565 ops/sec ±0.16% (100 runs sampled)
same x 42,529 ops/sec ±1.74% (92 runs sampled)
allTheSame x 66,437 ops/sec ±0.45% (102 runs sampled)
useSome x 70,102 ops/sec ±0.27% (100 runs sampled)

So apparently using builtin array.some() is the fastest method of the ones sampled.

If you're already using underscore.js, then here's another option using _.uniq:

function allEqual(arr) {
    return _.uniq(arr).length === 1;

_.uniq returns a duplicate-free version of the array. If all the values are the same, then the length will be 1.

As mentioned in the comments, given that you may expect an empty array to return true, then you should also check for that case:

function allEqual(arr) {
    return arr.length === 0 || _.uniq(arr).length === 1;