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Changes in import statement python3

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What happens during Python import?

When a module is first imported, Python searches for the module and if found, it creates a module object 1, initializing it. If the named module cannot be found, a ModuleNotFoundError is raised. Python implements various strategies to search for the named module when the import machinery is invoked.

What are the three types of import statement in Python?

There are generally three groups: standard library imports (Python's built-in modules) related third party imports (modules that are installed and do not belong to the current application) local application imports (modules that belong to the current application)

What is the difference between import statement and from import statement in Python?

The difference between import and from import in Python is: import imports the whole library. from import imports a specific member or members of the library.

Should I use relative or absolute imports Python?

Note that relative imports are based on the name of the current module. Since the name of the main module is always “main”, modules intended for use as the main module of a Python application must always use absolute imports.

Relative import happens whenever you are importing a package relative to the current script/package.

Consider the following tree for example:

├── base.py
└── derived.py

Now, your derived.py requires something from base.py. In Python 2, you could do it like this (in derived.py):

from base import BaseThing

Python 3 no longer supports that since it's not explicit whether you want the 'relative' or 'absolute' base. In other words, if there was a Python package named base installed in the system, you'd get the wrong one.

Instead it requires you to use explicit imports which explicitly specify location of a module on a path-alike basis. Your derived.py would look like:

from .base import BaseThing

The leading . says 'import base from module directory'; in other words, .base maps to ./base.py.

Similarly, there is .. prefix which goes up the directory hierarchy like ../ (with ..mod mapping to ../mod.py), and then ... which goes two levels up (../../mod.py) and so on.

Please however note that the relative paths listed above were relative to directory where current module (derived.py) resides in, not the current working directory.

@BrenBarn has already explained the star import case. For completeness, I will have to say the same ;).

For example, you need to use a few math functions but you use them only in a single function. In Python 2 you were permitted to be semi-lazy:

def sin_degrees(x):
    from math import *
    return sin(degrees(x))

Note that it already triggers a warning in Python 2:

a.py:1: SyntaxWarning: import * only allowed at module level
  def sin_degrees(x):

In modern Python 2 code you should and in Python 3 you have to do either:

def sin_degrees(x):
    from math import sin, degrees
    return sin(degrees(x))


from math import *

def sin_degrees(x):
    return sin(degrees(x))

For relative imports see the documentation. A relative import is when you import from a module relative to that module's location, instead of absolutely from sys.path.

As for import *, Python 2 allowed star imports within functions, for instance:

>>> def f():
...     from math import *
...     print sqrt

A warning is issued for this in Python 2 (at least recent versions). In Python 3 it is no longer allowed and you can only do star imports at the top level of a module (not inside functions or classes).

To support both Python 2 and Python 3, use explicit relative imports as below. They are relative to the current module. They have been supported starting from 2.5.

from .sister import foo
from . import brother
from ..aunt import bar
from .. import uncle

Added another case to Michał Górny's answer:

Note that relative imports are based on the name of the current module. Since the name of the main module is always "__main__", modules intended for use as the main module of a Python application must always use absolute imports.