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Change data types using a list of data type names

What is an elegant way to change the data types of data frames columns from a list of data type names?

Here's an example (change_to_data_types function is what I'm looking for):

my_df <- iris
my_types <- c("factor", "character", "double", "logical", "character")
my_df <- my_df %>% change_to_data_types(my_types)

my_types has the same number of elements as the number of columns in my_df and the conversion is done in the same order.

This is an example of an 'inelegant' way

my_df$Sepal.Length <- my_df$Sepal.Length %>% as.factor()
my_df$Sepal.Width <- my_df$Sepal.Width %>% as.character()
like image 859
Vlad Avatar asked Jun 26 '19 12:06


2 Answers

An option would be

my_df[] <- map2(my_df, str_c("as.", my_types), ~ get(.y)(.x))

Or in base R

my_df[] <- Map(function(x, y) get(y)(x), my_df, paste0("as.", my_types))

-checking the class again

sapply(my_df, class)
# Sepal.Length  Sepal.Width Petal.Length  Petal.Width      Species 
#    "factor"  "character"    "numeric"    "logical"  "character" 
like image 150
akrun Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09


Having fun with match.fun:

my_df[] <- lapply(seq_along(names(my_df)),
                  function(i) match.fun(paste0("as.", my_types[ i ]))(my_df[[ i ]]))

sapply(my_df, class)
# Sepal.Length  Sepal.Width Petal.Length  Petal.Width      Species 
#     "factor"  "character"    "numeric"    "logical"  "character" 
like image 29
zx8754 Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09
