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Case Insensitive Flask-SQLAlchemy Query

You can do it by using either the lower or upper functions in your filter:

from sqlalchemy import func
user = models.User.query.filter(func.lower(User.username) == func.lower("GaNyE")).first()

Another option is to do searching using ilike instead of like:


Improving on @plaes's answer, this one will make the query shorter if you specify just the column(s) you need:

user = models.User.query.with_entities(models.User.username).\

The above example is very useful in case one needs to use Flask's jsonify for AJAX purposes and then in your javascript access it using data.result:

from flask import jsonify

you can do

user = db.session.query(User).filter_by(func.lower(User.username)==func.lower("GANYE")).first()

Or you can use ilike function

 user = db.session.query(User).filter_by(User.username.ilike("%ganye%")).first()