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Can't change bundle ID in itunes connect?

my first app got rejected because it has the word Youtube in the bundle ID. I've since then changed the bundle ID in the plist.info and in the bundle identifier in Xcode. I also create a new app id under the identifier section in the member center of Apple's developer site but when i try to change it in the EDIT APP INFORMATION section in itunes connect, there is no drop down menu so i can't choose the new bundle ID i made without the word youtube in it. It is because my app is in status "Waiting for upload"? Here what i want to change "Bundle ID" in the picture below.

enter image description here

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17yrsDev Avatar asked Apr 04 '14 00:04


People also ask

How do I change my bundle identifier?

Change the Bundle ID Choose your project from the left side, then your app target under TARGETS, select the General tab and rename the Bundle Identifier.

How do I change my IPA bundle ID?

You cannot change the bundle identifier of an app. You can create a second app that looks and behaves exactly the same and has a different bundle identifier, but the bundle identifier is what makes it that app. It's the identity of the application.

Can't see bundle ID in App Store Connect?

Click + (Plus button) and Select the New App option. Enter needed informations and choose 'XC Wildcard-*' option from Bundle ID section. After that, you'll see Bundle ID Suffix text box.

4 Answers

The menu to edit the bundle ID (if you have never submitted) is now under More > About this App

enter image description here

7/25/16 update: Now you can just edit the bundle id under the App Information if you have never published uploaded a build:

enter image description here

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tkelly Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 16:10


Per https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/LanguagesUtilities/Conceptual/iTunesConnect_Guide/Appendices/Properties.html, the Bundle ID "can’t be edited after the app is approved."

So, if you have app has previously been approved, then you can't change your Bundle ID. But, if your app has NEVER been approved, then you should be able to change your Bundle ID.

I think your issue is that your app is currently in the App Store review process. I would click on "Binary Details" and then click "Reject this Binary" at the top right. This will remove your app from the App Store review process (status will be "Developer Rejected")and you should now be able to edit your Bundle ID and then resubmit for review.

Binary Details

However, I am assuming your app has never been previously approved. If it has been approved before, I think you need to create an entirely new app.

Hope this helps!

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Sunday Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 14:10


I also have the same issue, and have been able to edit this field in past apps. I called Apple support and they said that the issue is; that once Game Centre is turned on for a BundleID it becomes non editable. We even tried turning Game Centre off but to no avail. They told me the options were to use change the BundleID back in Xcode to match the BundleID in iTunesConnect or to change the name of my game in iTunesConnect (to free up that name) and then create a new app/game in iTunesConnect with the newly freed up name and now proper BundleID.

It should be noted that if you change the name to free it up and create a new app/game, you will not be able to delete the old game/app from your iTunesConnect. It will just sit there in limbo.

They said that there is NO way to edit this field once it has been marked is not editable.

This doesn't answer the issue on how to change it but may make it so people stop spending hours trying to change their BundleID.


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Ron Myschuk Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 15:10

Ron Myschuk

My App hasn't been validated yet, that because on an error on the bundle id.

To edit the bundle id I went to App Information "Edit", and then I've changed (even created a new one)

App Info ->Edit

Edit or register a new bundle id

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Jaimoto Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 16:10
