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Cannot render same route with different parameters react router v4

I am implementing a react page with route info/:id. From this page, there are various URLs which are navigated by NavLink.

For example: if current route is localhost:3000/info/1 and there are links localhost:3000/info/2 and localhost:3000/info/3, clicking on those links will load the page I'm currently on i.e: localhost:3000/info/1. While tracking for props changes, url is getting changed briefly but it's again loading the same page. What shall I do to route to same component with different parameters?

Thanks in advance!!!!!!

like image 769
pramesh Avatar asked Sep 06 '18 17:09


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1 Answers

You should track your page updates in componentDidUpdate lifecycle method or useEffect hook.

Class components:

 componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
   if(prevProps.match.params.id !== this.props.match.params.id){
     // do something

Functional components:

useEffect(() => {
    // do something
}, [props.match.params.id]);
like image 166
Soroush Chehresa Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 05:09

Soroush Chehresa