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Is there a difference between npm install on windows & linux

i think i have a short question.

I can't find anything in the www. if i run npm install on a windows machine to install my dependencies. is it possible to move the node_module directory to a linux machine and run my nodejs script, or is npm checking before installing my os and choose other install path's?

greetings mok

like image 672
mok liee Avatar asked Aug 07 '18 10:08

mok liee

1 Answers

Yes, there can be differences, say, if you (or your dependencies) use native node.js addons, which are built e.g. by node-gyp and contain native binary code. Also there can be OS/CPU - specific stuff in package.json.

package.json description can be found here: https://docs.npmjs.com/files/package.json

like image 119
Dzenly Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 12:11
