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Best approach to change variable value outside of Vue component

I am searching for the best approach to change Vue variable value outside of component. I'm using Vue webpack as well.

I have created a project using vue webpack. Inside its default App.vue file, I have a variable. For example, let's take showModal and its default value is false. Then I built it in a single javascript file.

<button>Register</button> {{-- event button --}}
<div id="guest"></div> {{-- Here I'm rendering my template --}}

<script src="{{ asset('js/vue-js/guest.js') }}"></script> {{-- builded Javascript file --}}

And the problem is that I want to change my showModal variable to true, but the event button it is not on my component template.

What is the best approach to accomplish this?

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bakis Avatar asked Jul 04 '18 12:07


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1 Answers

If you want to access a vue component outside of vue you could register it to the window object and access it then from anywhere.

window.myVueComponent = new Vue({
  render: h => h(App)

Now you can access it from anywhere else with

window.myVueComponent.myValue = 123

But this "style" is called global namespace pollution for reasons. ;)

I think it is better to extend your vue app so that the button is also within the vue-handled components.

like image 56
Thomas Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 13:09
