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Wait for transition to end in puppeteer

I'm trying to test a website using Puppeteer. Unfortunately, I'm having trouble clicking elements in a toolbar. The toolbar is using a CSS transition to gracefully slide into the page. My code is failing because I'm clicking where the element will appear while the page is still animating. I'm using a timeout as a workaround, but there's got to be a more elegant solution. Here's an example:

await page.click("#showMeetings"); //Toolbar slides in
await page.waitFor(3000); //Can I do this without a timeout?
await page.click("#mtgfind"); //Click button in toolbar

I think I need to wait on the transitionend event, but I'm unsure of how to do that in Puppeteer. Any help would be appreciated.

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Thomas Simeroth Avatar asked Jul 26 '18 21:07

Thomas Simeroth

3 Answers

In case of Grant solution, you shouldn't forget to remove event listener and to wait for it. You can try this solution, it works for me. I had similar problem.

async waitForTransitionEnd(element) {
  await page.evaluate((element) => {
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
      const transition = document.querySelector(element);
      const onEnd = function () {
        transition.removeEventListener('transitionend', onEnd);
      transition.addEventListener('transitionend', onEnd);
  }, element);

And call it:

await page.click('#showMeetings');
await waitForTransitionEnd('#elementWithTransition');
await page.click("#mtgfind");
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Oleksandr Vorobiov Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 02:11

Oleksandr Vorobiov

I came up with a fairly dumb solution. I looked up how long the transition was supposed to take (in this case 0.2 seconds) and just modified the waitFor statement to wait that long. Final code:

await page.click("#showMeetings"); //Toolbar slides in
await page.waitFor(200);
await page.click("#mtgfind"); //Click button in toolbar

This wouldn't work if the timing was variable, but the website reuses the same transition everywhere, so it's fine for my use case.

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Thomas Simeroth Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 02:11

Thomas Simeroth

You can use page.evaluate() to and the transitionend event to accomplish your goal:

await page.evaluate(() => {
  const show_meetings = document.getElementById('showMeetings');
  const mtg_find = document.getElementById('mtgfind');

  mtg_find.addEventListener('transitionend', event => {
  }, false);

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Grant Miller Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 02:11

Grant Miller