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Can sinon stub withArgs match some but not all arguments



I have a function I am stubbing that gets called with multiple arguments. I want to check just the first argument. The rest are callback function, so I want to leave them alone. Thus, I might have the following 2 calls, using ajax as an example:

method.get = sinon.stub(); method.get(25,function(){/* success callback */},function(){/* error callback */});          method.get(10,function(){/* success callback */},function(){/* error callback */}); 

I cannot use method.get.calls... because then it doesn't differentiate between the first one get(25) and the second get(10). But if I use method.get.withArgs(25).calls... then it does not match either, because withArgs() matches all arguments, which this does not (and never could, with callbacks like that).

How do I get sinon stubs to check and set responses based on just the 1st arg?

like image 924
deitch Avatar asked Oct 18 '14 17:10


People also ask

What does Sinon stub return?

The sinon. stub() substitutes the real function and returns a stub object that you can configure using methods like callsFake() . Stubs also have a callCount property that tells you how many times the stub was called.

How does Sinon stub work?

Sinon replaces the whole request module (or part of it) during the test execution, making the stub available via require('request') and then restore it after the tests are finished? require('request') will return the same (object) reference, that was created inside the "request" module, every time it's called.

How do I reset my Sinon stub?

var stub = sinon. The original function can be restored by calling object. method. restore(); (or stub. restore(); ).

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sandbox.Causes all stubs and mocks created from the sandbox to return promises using a specific Promise library instead of the global one when using stub. rejects or stub. resolves . Returns the stub to allow chaining.

2 Answers


You can use sinon.match.any:

method.get.withArgs(25, sinon.match.any, sinon.match.any);  
like image 112
Andrew Radford Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 09:10

Andrew Radford


withArgs can be used to match some but not all the arguments.

Specifically, method.get.withArgs(25) will check just the first argument.


This is incorrect:

withArgs() matches all arguments


When withArgs is called it remembers the arguments it was passed here as matchingArguments.

Then when the stub is called it gets all matching fakes here.

matchingFakes is called without a second parameter so it returns all fakes that have matchingArguments that match the arguments passed to the stub starting at index 0 up to the length of matchingArguments. This means that a fake will match when its matchingArguments match the beginning of the arguments passed even if there are additional arguments.

Any matching fakes are then sorted by matchingArguments.length and the one that matches the most arguments is the one that is invoked.

The following test confirms this behavior and passes with sinon version 1.1.0 from 7 years ago, version 1.14.0 from the time this question was asked, and the current version 6.3.5:

import * as sinon from 'sinon';  test('withArgs', () => {    const stub = sinon.stub();    stub.withArgs(25).returns('first arg is 25!');   stub.returns('default response');    expect(stub(25)).toBe('first arg is 25!');  // SUCCESS   expect(stub(25, function () { }, function () { })).toBe('first arg is 25!');  // SUCCESS   expect(stub(10, function () { }, function () { })).toBe('default response');  // SUCCESS  }); 
like image 41
Brian Adams Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 09:10

Brian Adams