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Verifying function call and inspecting arguments using sinon spies

I would like to verify that bar() is called inside foo() from my unit test.

I figured that Sinon spies might be suitable, but I don't know how to use them.

Is there any way to check that the method is called? Perhaps even extracting the arguments used in the bar() call?

var spy = sinon.spy(foo);  function foo(){     bar(1,2,3); }  function bar(){ }  foo();  // what to do with the spy? 


like image 670
filur Avatar asked Apr 22 '15 14:04


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1 Answers

In your case, you are trying to see if bar was called, so you want to spy bar rather than foo.

As described in the doc :

function bar(x,y) {   console.debug(x, y); } function foo(z) {   bar(z, z+1); } // Spy on the function "bar" of the global object. var spy = sinon.spy(window, "bar");  // Now, the "bar" function has been replaced by a "Spy" object // (so this is not necessarily what you want to do)   foo(1);  bar.getCall(0).args => should be [1,2] 

Now, spying on the internals of the function strongly couples your test of "foo" to its implementation, so you'll fall into the usual "mockist vs classical" debate.

like image 175
phtrivier Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 00:09
