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Reset "called" Count on Sinon Spy

How do I reset the "called" count on a Sinon spy before each test?

Here's what I'm doing now:

beforeEach(function() {   this.spied = sinon.spy(Obj.prototype, 'spiedMethod'); });  afterEach(function() {   Obj.prototype.spiedMethod.restore();   this.spied.reset(); }); 

But when I check the call count in a test:

it('calls the method once', function() {   $.publish('event:trigger');   expect(this.spied).to.have.been.calledOnce; }); 

...the test fails and reports that the method was called X number of times (once for each previous test that also triggered the same event).

like image 674
cantera Avatar asked Nov 09 '13 21:11


People also ask

How do I remove a Sinon stub?

All you have to do is create a sandbox in the very first describe block so that, it is accessible throughout all the test cases. And once you are done with all the test cases you should release the original methods and clean up the stubs using the method sandbox.

What does Sinon restore do?

Replaces the spy with the original method. Only available if the spy replaced an existing method. The highlighted sentence is the key. The restore functions in sinon only work on spies and stubs that replace an existing method, and our spy was created as an anonymous (standalone) spy.

What is Sinon Spy ()?

The function sinon. spy returns a Spy object, which can be called like a function, but also contains properties with information on any calls made to it. In the example above, the firstCall property has information about the first call, such as firstCall. args which is the list of arguments passed.

How do you stub a function in Sinon?

The sinon. stub() substitutes the real function and returns a stub object that you can configure using methods like callsFake() . Stubs also have a callCount property that tells you how many times the stub was called. For example, the below code stubs out axios.

1 Answers

This question was asked a while back but may still be interesting, especially for people who are new to sinon.

this.spied.reset() is not needed as Obj.prototype.spiedMethod.restore(); removes the spy.

Update 2018-03-22:

As pointed out in some of the comments below my answer, stub.reset will do two things:

  1. Remove the stub behaviour
  2. Remove the stub history (callCount).

According to the docs this behaviour was added in [email protected].

The updated answer to the question would be to use stub.resetHistory().

Example from the docs:

var stub = sinon.stub();  stub.called // false  stub();  stub.called // true  stub.resetHistory();  stub.called // false 


  • If you just want to reset the call count, use reset. This keeps the spy.
  • To remove the spy use restore.

When working with sinon you can use the sinon assertions for enhanced testing. So instead of writing expect(this.spied).to.have.been.calledOnce; one could write:


This would work as well with this.spied:


There are a lot of other sinon assertion methods. Next to calledOnce there are also calledTwice, calledWith, neverCalledWith and a lot more on sinon assertions.

like image 133
T. Junghans Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 09:09

T. Junghans