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How does one stub promise with sinon?

I have a data service with following function

function getInsureds(searchCriteria) {

    var deferred = $q.defer();

        function (insureds) {
        function (response) {

    return deferred.promise;

I want to test following function:

function search ()
      .then(function (response) {
           vm.searchCompleted = true;

            if (response.insureds.length > 100) {
              vm.searchResults = response.insureds.slice(0, 99);
            } else {
                vm.searchResults = response.insureds;

How would I stub the promise so that when I call getInsureds it would resolve the promise and return me the results immediately. I started like this (jasmine test), but I am stuck, as I don't know how to resolve the promise and pass in arguments needed.

it("search returns over 100 results searchResults should contain only 100 records ", function () {

    var results103 = new Array();

    for (var i = 0; i < 103; i++) {

    var fakeSearchForm = { $valid: true };
    var isSearchValidStub = sinon.stub(sut, "isSearchCriteriaValid").returns(true);

    var deferred = $q.defer();
    var promise = deferred.promise;
    var dsStub = sinon.stub(inSearchDataSvc, "getInsureds").returns(promise);

    var resolveStub = sinon.stub(deferred, "resolve");

    //how do i call resolve  and pass in results103





like image 463
epitka Avatar asked Dec 12 '13 22:12


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3 Answers

At current sinon version v2.3.1, you can use stub.resolves(value) and stub.rejects(value) function

For example, you can stub myClass.myFunction with following code

sinon.stub(myClass, 'myFunction').resolves('the value you want to return');


sinon.stub(myClass, 'myFunction').rejects('the error information you want to return');
like image 139
Yu Huang Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 02:10

Yu Huang

You just have to resolve the promise before you call the search function. This way your stub will return a resolved promise and then will be called immediately. So instead of

var resolveStub = sinon.stub(deferred, "resolve");

you will resolve the deferred with your fake response data

deferred.resolve({insureds: results103})
like image 22
Andreas Köberle Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 03:10

Andreas Köberle

Also you can do something like this:

import sinon from 'sinon';

const sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();

const promiseResolved = () => sandbox.stub().returns(Promise.resolve('resolved'));
const promiseRejected = () => sandbox.stub().returns(Promise.reject('rejected'));

const x = (promise) => {
  return promise()
    .then((result) => console.log('result', result))
    .catch((error) => console.log('error', error))

x(promiseResolved); // resolved
x(promiseRejected); // rejected
like image 11
aH6y Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 03:10
