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Blueprint initialization, can I run a function before first request to blueprint

Is it possible to run a function before the first request to a specific blueprint?

def init_my_blueprint():
    print 'yes'

Currently this will yield the following error:

AttributeError: 'Blueprint' object has no attribute 'before_first_request'
like image 720
pyCthon Avatar asked Dec 09 '14 18:12


1 Answers

The Blueprint equivalent is called @Blueprint.before_app_first_request:

def init_my_blueprint():

The name reflects that it is called before any request, not just a request specific to this blueprint.

There is no hook for running code for just the first request to be handled by your blueprint. You can simulate that with a @Blueprint.before_request handler that tests if it has been run yet:

from threading import Lock

my_blueprint._before_request_lock = Lock()
my_blueprint._got_first_request = False

def init_my_blueprint():
    if my_blueprint._got_first_request:
    with my_blueprint._before_request_lock:
        if my_blueprint._got_first_request:

        # first request, execute what you need.

        # mark first request handled *last*
        my_blueprint._got_first_request = True

This mimics what Flask does here; locking is needed as separate threads could race to the post to be first.

like image 89
Martijn Pieters Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 03:11

Martijn Pieters