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How do I embed a Flask-Security login form on my page?

Using the example code provided by Flask-Security, I can access the login_user.html form from the /login route normally and that works just fine. However, I would like to embed the login form on all my site's pages in the upper left. I thought I could use a Jinja {% include "security/login_user.html" %} statement to place the form in base.html, but that doesn't seem to work. I get the following error:

jinja2.exceptions.UndefinedError: 'login_user_form' is undefined

Is there a way to include or embed the login form inside another template and still get access to the respective form object?

like image 371
Nicholas Tulach Avatar asked Nov 15 '17 21:11

Nicholas Tulach

2 Answers

security/login_user.html is the full page template for the login form. It's not what you would want to embed on each page because it deals with other things like flashed messages, errors, and layout.

Write your own template to render just the form and include that, or add it to your base template.

<form action="{{ url_for_security('login') }}" method="POST">
  {{ login_user_form.hidden_tag() }}
  {{ login_user_form.email(placeholder='Email') }}
  {{ login_user_form.password(placeholder='Password') }}
  {{ login_user_form.remember.label }} {{ login_user_form.remember }}
  {{ login_user_form.submit }}

(This is just an example, you'll want to style it to fit your page.)

None of your views will deal with the login form directly, so login_form and url_for_security aren't available while rendering most templates (this was causing the original issue you observed). Inject them for each request using app.context_processor.

from flask_security import LoginForm, url_for_security

def login_context():
    return {
        'url_for_security': url_for_security,
        'login_user_form': LoginForm(),
like image 66
davidism Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 07:11


Your stack trace reads: jinja2.exceptions.UndefinedError: 'login_user_form' is undefined

This error message is coming from Jinja, which is saying that login_user_form is undefined.

To solve this, if this was your base.html,

{% block content %}
<form action="" method="post" name="post">

you've to pass login_user_form as a context variable to your render template. So, in your /login route, you should return something like this:

return render_template("base.html",
        title = 'Home',
        form = login_user_form)
like image 25
sayan Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 06:11
