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Bind ID as Value with Text in Autocomplete

I am using Kendo Autocomplete, In that I am filling the Text and also using that text parse data, But I want to use ID as Value to send it on server side on Form Submit.

I am using this Kendo Editor But Can't able to Bind the "CustomerID" as the Value of Autocomplete::

                                  .Template("<label>${ data.CustomerShortName }</label>")
                                  .HtmlAttributes(new {  disabled="disabled" })
                                  .DataSource(source =>
                                      source.Read(read =>
                                          read.Action("GetCustomers", "GetData");

Please Help me on this ASAP.

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Rahul Avatar asked Nov 27 '13 04:11


4 Answers

The marked solution doesn't work if you clear selected, I solved this problem by this solution:

$().ready(function () {

    $("#Customers").change(function () {
        var au = $("#Customers").data("kendoAutoComplete");
        var selected = au.listView.selectedDataItems();
        if (selected.length > 0) {
        } else {

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Mahdi Ahmadi Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 09:11

Mahdi Ahmadi

You can't bind to just the ID but you can bind to the selected object using the MVVM bindings. From there you will be able access the ID.


 <div id="view">
       <h4 data-bind="text: selectedCustomer.CustomerID"></h3>

   <span> Select Customer: </span>
   <input data-role="autocomplete"
          data-bind="value: selectedCustomer,
                     source: Customers" />

The javaScript.

var viewModel = kendo.observable({
  Customers: [
    { CustomerID:"1", CustomerShortName: "Customer One" },
    { CustomerID:"2", CustomerShortName: "Customer Two" },
    { CustomerID:"3", CustomerShortName: "Customer Three" },

  selectedCustomer: undefined,

var view = $("#view");
kendo.bind(view, viewModel);

A working example can be found here http://jsbin.com/vebiniqahi/1/edit?html,js,output

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Rich Hildebrand Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 02:09

Rich Hildebrand

I have done this in another way, I have made a Hidden type for its ID value i.e. for "CustomerID" as


and on change of kendo Autocomplete I have written some event as,

                                     .Events(events => events.Select("CustomerSelect"))
                                      .Template("<label>${ data.CustomerShortName }</label>")
                                      .HtmlAttributes(new {  disabled="disabled" })
                                      .DataSource(source =>
                                          source.Read(read =>
                                              read.Action("GetCustomers", "GetData");

And For that I am using Javascript Function as::

//Set CustomerID
    function CustomerSelect(e)
        var DataItem = this.dataItem(e.item.index());

And that value I am using While Submitting the Form. Thanks for your help.

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Rahul Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 09:11


This can't be done with the AutoComplete. The latter is just a regular textbox with an attached suggestion list. You can use a different widget .e.g. ComboBox or DropDownList. Both allow having text and value.

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Atanas Korchev Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 09:11

Atanas Korchev