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Best way to add comments in erb

Use the <%# %> sequence, e.g.

<%# This is a great comment! %>

For Record

<%# This is a great comment! %>

<%#= This is a great comment! %>

For block comments:

<% if false %>
    code to be commented out...
<% end %> 

I have a Windows setup, and this <%-# %> sequence is the only one that works for me:


<%-# This is a sample comment! %>

In my text editor, i run command + / (sublime-text shortcut). It will be like this.

    Here is the comment 

It doesn't look simply, but it works.

Since .erb is by definition "embedded ruby", you can embed every ruby code between: <%= and the other: %>, typically all written in one line. In addition, ruby one-line comments start always with #, so the <%=# Comment %> style matches perfectly with both pure-ruby and erb styles for one-line comments.