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bundle install fails with SSL certificate verification error

People also ask

Why does SSL verification fail?

What Causes an SSL Certificate_Verify_Failed Error? SSL certificate_verify_failed errors typically occur as a result of outdated Python default certificates or invalid root certificates. If you're a website owner and you're receiving this error, it could be because you're not using a valid SSL certificate.

What does certificate verify failed mean?

The Ruby OpenSSL error certificate verify failed means your code can't verify that the SSL certificate of the website or API you're connecting to is the real one. It's important to solve this issue correctly to keep your communication secure.


Now that I've karma wh..err mined enough from this answer everyone should know that this should have been fixed.

re: via Ownatik again bundle install fails with SSL certificate verification error

gem update --system

My answer is still correct and left below for reference if that ends up not working for you.

Honestly the best temporary solution is to

[...] use the non-ssl version of rubygems in your gemfile as a temporary workaround.

via user Ownatik

what they mean is at the top of the Gemfile in your rails application directory change

source 'https://rubygems.org'


source 'http://rubygems.org'

note that the second version is http instead of https

Replace the ssl gem source with non-ssl as a temp solution:

  • gem sources -r https://rubygems.org/
  • gem sources -a http://rubygems.org/

The reason is old rubygems. You need to update system part using non ssl source first:

gem update --system --source http://rubygems.org/ (temporarily updating system part using non-ssl connection).

Now you're ready to use gem update.

If you're on a mac and use a recent version of RVM (~1.20), the following command worked for me.

rvm osx-ssl-certs update